
Approximately three dozen Human Resources Liaisons, along with Generalists and other professionals, partner with Auburn University Human Resources staff to serve full-time and part-time employees of Auburn University. 

Leanne Fuller, Director, Human Resources Services, is specifically qualified to assist those who work in HR functions. She can be reached at (334) 844-1605 or at

Monthly Meetings

Unless noted, most meetings are occurring via Zoom and will begin at 3 p.m. Liaisons will receive an invite in Outlook to attend the meeting. The 2024 schedule is listed below. (Dates and locations are subject to change.)

  • Feb. 8 - Zoom

  • March 7 - Zoom

  • April 4 - East Glenn Administrative Complex

  • May 2 - Zoom

  • June 6 - Zoom

  • July 23 - HR Conference

  • Aug. 1 - Zoom

  • Sept. 12 - Zoom

  • Oct. 10 - East Glenn Administrative Complex

  • Nov. 14 - Zoom

  • Dec. 12 - East Glenn Administrative Complex

Good To Know

"Good to Know!" is a communication that Human Resources periodically sends to supervisors, managers, and other campus leadership.  

Previous topics have included, but have not been limited to, the Fair Labor Standards Act, performance reviews, the Job Family Promotion Program, and the University's inclement weather policy.  Liaisons are encouraged to review these communications and share them with their departments or units as warranted.

Professional Associations


  • National: College and University Professional Association – Human Resources (CUPA-HR)

  • Region: College and University Professional Association – Human Resources (CUPA-HR) 

  • State: Alabama State Chapter CUPAHR (ALACUPA) 


  • National: Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM)

  • Local: East Alabama SHRM



Certification Opportunities

  • SHRM-CP – Society of Human Resources Management Certified Professional – Society of Human Resources Management 

  • SHRM-SCP – Society of Human Resources Management Senior Certified Professional  – Society of Human Resources Management

  • PHR – Professional in Human Resources – HR Certification Institute 

  • SPHR – Senior Professional in Human Resources – HR Certification Institute 

  • aPHR – Associate Professional in Human Resources – HR Certification Institute 

Training and Webinars

Auburn University


  • Southern Region CUPAHR webinars

  • CUPA eLearning courses

  • CUPAHR Boot Camp: This free course is a self-paced e-Learning course that offers a higher-ed perspective on essential HR topics. It’s ideal for anyone who could benefit from a basic understanding of higher ed HR – early-career and/or anyone that is new to higher education environment.

  • Understanding Higher Education: The free course provides higher ed and HR pros who are new to higher education the basic background, information and tools they need to be successful in the unique environment of higher education.

Required Posters

UHR has created a new website with federal and state labor law posters

Labor law posters are informative notices that Auburn University and other employers must display prominently in the workplace. Many of the posters are required by federal or state law to be posted.

Reports and Scripts

Printable Version

Report Description: All Employee Listing

Fields Extracted: Multiple available selections to include/not include on the report

Data Entered by Requestor: Search options by:

  1. Timesheet Org Number

  2. Timesheet Org Name

  3. Division Listing

  4. Supervisor(Drop down available on 1-3)

Printable Version

Report Description: Earn codes by division or timekeeping location per pay period (Two files are produced: FOAP and no FOAP)

Fields Extracted: Pay Periods, Banner ID, Name, Division, Division Description, Orgn Code TS, Orgn Code TS Title, Position Number, Suffix, Earn Codes, Hours, Amount, Special Rate, Fund, Orgn, Acct, Program, Activity, Labor %, Labor Hours, Labor Amount

Data Entered by Requestor: Year, Payroll Type, Payroll Number, Division/TKL, Division Number or HR location number

Printable Version

Report Description: Salary History by Employee

Fields Extracted: System, Banner ID, Name, Current Hire Date, Personnel Date, Position Number, Suffix, Title, Status, Effective Date, FTE, Time Sheet Orgn Description, Eclass, Annual Salary, Job Location Description

Data Entered by Requestor: Banner ID

Printable Version

Report Description: Leave Balances by Division or Timekeeping Location

Fields Extracted: Banner ID, Name, Ecls, Division, Division Description, TKL, TKL Description, Adj Service Date, Yrs of Service, Max Hours to Roll VACA, VACA Leave Balance, VACA Current Accrual, SICK Leave Balance, SICK Current Accrual, COMP Leave Balance, COMP Current Accrual, Last Accrual Date, Last Pay Period, Empl Email Address, Supv Email Address

Data Entered by Requestor: Division/TKL, Division Number or TKL Number

Printable Version

Report Description: Employees with Overage Codes: OTP, OTS, CTE and CTS per Division (Two files are produced: FOAP and no FOAP)

Fields Extracted: Pay Period, Banner ID, Name, Employee Status, TKL, TKL Description, Position Number, Suffix, Job Title, Earn Code, Hours, Amount, Fund, Orgn, Acct, Program, Labor %, Labor Hours, Labor Amount

Data Entered by Requestor: Year and Division

Printable Version

Report Description: Timekeepers Listserv

Fields Extracted: Division, Email Address

Data Entered by Requestor: Campus Code (ALL, AUM, or AU)

Printable Version

Report Description: Listserv Active Employees by EE Type

Fields Extracted: Campus Code, Banner ID, Name (last,first), Name (first, last), Eclass, Eclass Description, *parameter settings* Faculty, Tenure, Tenure Effective Date, Job Title, Job location, Job Location Description, Job Location Address, Job Location City, Job Location State, Job Location Zip, Division, Division Description, Campus Code, TKL, TKL Description, Email Address, Current Hire Date, Supervisor Name, Supervisor Email

Data Entered by Requestor: Campus Code (AU, AUM, or BOTH), Faculty? (Y/N), Full Time Employees? (Y/N), Part Time Employees? (Y/N), TES Employee? (Y/N), Grad Assistants? (Y/N), GRAs? (Y/N), GTAs? (Y/N), Undergrad ST excluding Work Study? (Y/N), Work Study? (Y/N),AU Affiliated? (Y/N)

Printable Version

Report Description: Supervisor Listserv (Job Record)

Fields Extracted: Banner ID, Name, Email Address, Employee Status, Job Title, Division, Division Description

Data Entered by Requestor: Campus Code (ALL, AUM, or AU)

Printable Version

Report Description: Terminated Employees by EE Type

Fields Extracted: AU/AUM, AU ID, Name (Last,First), Name (First, Last), ECLS, ECLS Description, *parameter settings* Faculty, Job Title, Job Location, Job Location Description, Job Location Address, Job Location State, Job Location Zip, Division, Division Description, Campus Code, TKL, TKL Description, Email Address, Term Date, Hire Date

Data Entered by Requestor: Terminated EES after this Date, AU or AUM? (AU, AUM, BOTH), Faculty Only? (Y/N), Full Time Employees? (Y/N), Part Time Employees? (Y/N), TES Employees? (Y/N), Graduate Assistants? (Y/N), GRAs? (Y/N), GTAs? (Y/N), Undergrad ST? (Y/N), Work-study? (Y/N), AU Affiliated? (Y/N)

Printable Version

Report Description: Vacant Positions

Fields Extracted: Division, Budget Orgn, Orgn Title, Position, Position Type, Job Last Eff Date, Position Title, Name of Last incumbent, PTOT Budget Amt, Fund Code, Orgn Code, Acct Code, Prog Code, Percent, FOAP Budget

Data Entered by Requestor: Division or Org Number, Fiscal Year

Printable Version

Report Description: Positions by Incumbent

Fields Extracted: Banner ID, Name, Position Number, Title, Job Begin Date, Job End Date, Emp Class Code, Reports to Supv, Job Location Number, Job Location Description

Data Entered by Requestor: Division Number, Date

Printable Version

Report Description: Positions Created on or after Date

Fields Extracted: *Parameter Listing*, Position Begin Date, Position Code, Status, Type, Budget COAS, Budget Orgn, Budget Orgn Description, Position Title, ECLS, Salary Table, Salary Grade

Data Entered by Requestor: Position Begin Date, College Code (Division)

Printable version

Report Description: Terminations by Division

Fields Extracted: Banner Number, Name, Status, Term Reason Code, Term Code Description, ECLS, TKL, TKL Description

Data Entered by Requestor: Begin Date, End Date, Division Number (3-digit)

Report Description: International Ees by Division or TKL

Fields Extracted: Banner ID, Employee Name, Emp Class, Current Hire Date, Division, Division Description, Job Location, Timekeeping Location, Timekeeping Location Description, I-9 Form Indicator, I-9 Expiration Date

Data Entered by Requestor: Division Number, Timekeeping Location


Job Change Reasons

Report Description: Selected Job Change Reasons by by Division

Fields Extracted: Job Change Reason, Banner ID, Name, Employee Status, E-Class, Position, Job Title, Job Effective Date, Annual Salary, Division, Div Description, Department Dept Description

Data Entered by Requestor: Begin Date, End Date, Division Number

Advisory Council

Auburn University Human Resources (AUHR) has established a standing committee of HR Liaisons (referred to thereafter as the Advisory Council) to collaborate, provide feedback regarding policies and procedures, and serve as a representative of the HR Liaison Network of Auburn University.

This partnership will allow for consideration of continuous improvement and new initiatives in programs, services and best practices for the delivery of comprehensive human resources services to all university customers.

  • Provide feedback on current processes

  • Brainstorm on solutions for variety of topics

  • Evaluate and pilot new processes

  • Help identify improvements as needed

  • Serve as a representative and gather feedback from the HR Liaison Network

  • Propose new ideas that will advance collaboration of human resources and the university community

  • Provide input to the HRL informational monthly meetings and other meetings as needed

  • Speak at the HRL meetings to engage the HRLs on items of interest such as updates of current work of the council, outstanding or new items that have been discussed, etc.

  • Serve as an additional resource to HRLs in the university community

  • Frequency of regular meetings: To be determined

  • Meetings may be requested by a team member of AUHR or a member of the Advisory Council

  • Updates on initiatives/projects may be provided by the Initiative/Project lead (or designee)

  • Meeting locations may be held in any department

  • Attendance (or designee) of the Director, HR Services is required

  • Summary of information discussed will be maintained and available for future reference

  • Eight members representing academic and administrative divisions across campus

  • Appointments will consist of staggered terms of the members to ensure continuity of the Advisory Council

  • Terms begins Jan. 1 (change in 2021)

  • At least four members must be in the HR Partner Liaison role (contingent on diversity of Advisory Council)

  • Other members will represent the HR Coordinator Liaison and/or HR Administrator Liaison roles

  • Council will elect/designate a Chair

  • The Chair (or designee) will speak at the HRL monthly meetings, as needed.

  • Call for Nominations to the designated HRLs

  • Reviewed and decisions by the Advisory Council

  • Selections are determined based on interest, diversity and role

  • Stephanie Woodley, COSAM, Jan. 1, 2023 to Dec. 31, 2026

  • Kim Rogers, ACES, Jan. 1, 2023 to Dec. 31, 2026

  • Ginger Vedder, Risk Management, Jan. 1, 2021 to Dec. 31, 2024

  • Tammy Walker, Engineering, Jan. 1, 2021 to Dec. 31, 2024

  • Nichole Diehl, Veterinary Medicine, Jan. 1, 2022 to Dec. 31, 2025

  • Tami Poe, Liberal Arts, Jan. 1, 2022 to Dec. 31, 2025

  • Lindsey Johnson, VP Business and Finance/CFO, Jan. 1, 2022 to Dec. 31, 2025

  • Julene Pugh, Business, Jan. 1, 2022 to Dec. 31, 2025

Last updated: 09/04/2024