Open Enrollment Countdown
Protect What Matters
Welcome to Open Enrollment, your opportunity to review and select the best benefit options for you and your loved ones.
During October, you can evaluate your current benefits and explore new options that may better suit your needs. Whether you are looking for comprehensive health coverage, dental and vision plans, or want to review your life insurance and retirement options, now is the time to act.
We encourage you to explore your options, meet with a benefit enroller, and make the best choice for you and your family.
Save the Dates
Open Enrollment is two weeks earlier this year, beginning on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024, and ending on Thursday, Oct. 31, at 4:45 p.m.
IRS regulations do not allow for plan enrollment or changes beyond the end of Open Enrollment unless there is a qualifying event (i.e. marriage, divorce, birth of a child, etc.) during the year.
Important Categories
Important Categories
Open Enrollment Highlights

Open Enrollment is when you may enroll, cancel, or make changes to your benefit elections. These changes will be effective as of Jan. 1, 2025.
Please review this website for information about our 2025 benefits.
Open Enrollment begins on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024, and ends on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2024, at 4:45 p.m.
IRS regulations do not allow for plan enrollment or changes beyond the end of Open Enrollment unless there is a qualifying event (i.e. marriage, divorce, birth of a child, etc.) during the year.
Effective Jan. 1, 2025, there will be a 2.9% premium increase for the PPO and HDHP plans.
Beginning on Jan. 1, 2025, the critical illness plan that was previously offered by Colonial Life will be replaced with a new and improved plan from The Standard.
We strongly encourage you to review your benefit options and to explore the insurance offerings that are available to full-time, benefit-eligible employees.
If you are enrolled in health, dental, and/or vision insurance plans, the Health Savings Account, or other voluntary benefit plans, and you do not want to make any changes to your coverages, there is nothing you need to do to continue them.
However, you must re-enroll for the Flexible Spending Account.
You should review the following information as you complete online enrollment, providing updates or changes as necessary:
Your beneficiaries (the person or entity you name in an insurance policy to receive benefits) for basic life, voluntary life and accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurances, along with voluntary and mandatory retirement accounts
Social Security number(s) and date(s) of birth for your dependent(s)
Life insurance rates for you and your dependent(s) (Rates may change depending on age)
Emergency contacts: You can update your emergency contacts through AU Access - Self Service Banner (SSB). Look for “Update Emergency Contacts” under the “Personal Information” tab.
Ensuring the eligibility of all dependents and members enrolled in our benefit plans is crucial to reducing financial, legal, and employee risk. During Open Enrollment, you should review your dependents and remove anyone who may not meet the definition of an eligible dependent.
In 2018, the Employee Hardship Fund was established to provide financial support to eligible Auburn employees who are experiencing temporary financial hardship due to a qualifying life event.
It is funded entirely by voluntary charitable donations. Any person or entity is eligible to donate to the fund. Contributing to the fund is easy, and donors can make a one-time or ongoing gift. They can also share gift credit with or give in honor or memory of another person. For more information on the fund or to find links to contribute, visit the Hardship Fund website.
If you still have questions after reviewing this website, please schedule an appointment with a benefit enroller or email