Nicholas J. Giordano
Department of Physics
Department of Physics
Research Areas: Acoustical physics
Office: Leach Science Center 3126
Email: njg0003@auburn.edu
Ph.D., Yale University
May 1977
B.S., Purdue University
May 1973
Professional Employment
Professor of Physics, Auburn University
2013 - present
Dean, College of Sciences and Mathematics, Auburn University
2013 - 2021
Head, Department of Physics, Purdue University
2007 - 2013
Hubert James Distinguished Professor of Physics, Purdue University
2004 - 2013
Assistant Dean of Science, Purdue University
2002 - 2002
Professor, Purdue University
1984 - 2013
Associate Professor, Purdue University
1982 - 1985
Assistant Professor, Purdue University
1979 - 1982
Assistant Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, Yale University
1977 - 1979
Honors and Awards
Speaker of the Year of the Indiana Academy of Science
Indiana Professor of the Year (award from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching)
DOE Computational Science Education Award
Hubert Newby McCoy Award for Excellence in Research (Purdue University)
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellow
Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Kappa Phi; Sigma Pi Sigma; Fellow American Physical Society
Professional Activities
Member, Biophysical Society Member
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
Member, Technical Committee on Musical Acoustics of the ASA
Referee: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, The American Journal of Physics, Physical Review, Physical Review Letters, The Journal of Sound and Vibration
Research and Teaching Interests
Transport properties of disordered systems, fabrication of microstructures, behavior of one and two dimensional metals, low frequency noise, superconductivity in one dimension, mesoscopic systems, nonfluidics, musical acoustics, physics of the piano, computational biophysics, science education, scientific computation, aerocoustics.
Selected Publications
- Simulation studies of a recorder in three dimensions, N. Giordano, J. Acoust. Soc Am 135, 906-916 (2014)
- Some remarks on the acoustics of the piano, a chapter by N. Giordano in the Science of String Instruments T.D. Rossing, ed., Springer, 2011, p. 353-370
- Interplay of the magnitude and time-course of postsynaptic Ca2+ conncentration in procducing spike timing-dependant plasticity, K.D. Carlson and N. Giordano, J. Comoput. Neurosci (2010), doi:101007/s10827-010-0290-z.
- Physics of the Piano, N. Giordano, Oxford University Press (2010).
- Computational Physics, N. Giordano, Prentice-Hall (1997); 2nd Edition, with H. Nakanashi, Prentice-Hall (2006)
Last updated: 08/30/2023