In COSAM, the academic advisors provide advice about academic majors as well as information regarding rules and regulations related to COSAM and to Auburn University. Our advisors are here to help you have a satisfying academic experience and encourage you to use the resources that are available on campus. 

We look at academic advising as being an integral part of your educational experience. In that regard, we see ourselves as guides who enable you to make informed and rational choices about many of the life decisions that you will encounter in college. Sometimes students regard their advisor’s office as some sort of kiosk where they are mechanically told what to do. However, we are more concerned about teaching you how to choose the best thing to do, often among an array of attractive choices.

Admittedly, sometimes it is easier just to be told what to do. Perhaps you would rather have your advisor tell you what to take each term rather than saying something like, “Try to fill out your registration form and then we will talk about it.” Or perhaps you would rather be told what teacher to take rather than have a discussion about the qualities of good teaching and the hazards of having a teacher who is not demanding. No doubt, some of you would rather be told about what profession is best for you rather than have us direct you to resources which enable you to make an informed decision.

Understand that we do not expect you to know everything about Auburn University and your major.  Our job is to provide lots of help and point you to appropriate resources on campus.  The goal is to equip you with some great life skills that will be applicable to the path you have chosen. We enjoy working with you! Never hesitate to ask us about anything you do not understand.

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