Department of Biological Sciences
Emeritus Professor
Office: 322 Funchess Hall
331 Funchess Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5414
Lab Phone: (334) 332-1941
Fax: (334) 844-9234
Email: wootemc@auburn.edu
- Population Genetics
- Molecular Ecology
- Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Biological Statistics
- Mammalian Ecology
- Conservation Biology
Instructional Programming
Virtual Fly Colony for teaching Mendelian Genetics
-- New web-based, mobile compliant version in beta testing.
Please contact me for information.
Seibenhener, M. L., and M. C. Wooten. 2015. Use of the open field maze to measure locomotor and anxiety-like behavior in mice. Journal of Visual Experimentation 96:e52434.
Calderilla-Barbosa,L. M. L. Seibenhener, Y. Du, M. Diaz-Meco, J. Moscat, J. Yan, M. W. Wooten, and M. C. Wooten. 2014. Interaction of SQSTM1 with the motor protein dynein: SQSTM1 is required for normal dynein function and trafficking. Journal of Cell Science 127:4052-4063.
Seibenhener, M.L., T. Zhao, Y. Du, L.C. Barbosa, J. Yan, M.W. Wooten, and M. C. Wooten. 2013. Behavioral effects of SQSTM1/p62 overexpression in mice: Support for a mitochondrial role in depression and anxiety. Behavioral Brain Research 248:94-103
Jin Y, M. L. Seibenhener, L. Calderilla-Barbosa, M. Diaz-Meco, J. Moscat, J. Jiang, M. W. Wooten, M. C. Wooten. 2013. SQSTM1/p62 interacts with HDAC6 and regulates Deacetylase activity. Plos One 10.1371.
Seibenhener, L. M., Y. Du, M. Diaz-Meco, J. Moscat, M. C. Wooten and M. W. Wooten. 2013. A Role for Sequestosome1/p62 in Mitochondrial Dynamics, Import and Genome Integrity. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta.1833:452-459.
Du, Y., M. C. Wooten and M. W. Wooten. 2009. Oxidative damage to the promoter region of p62 is common to neurodegenerative disease. Neurodegenerative Diseases 35:302-310.
Du, Yifeng, M. C. Wooten, M. Gearing and M. W. Wooten. 2009. Age-associated oxidative damage to the p62 promoter: Implications for Alzheimer’s disease. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 46:492-501.
Romagosa, C. M, G. Guyer and M. C. Wooten. 2009. The contribution of the live vertebrate trade toward taxonomic homogenization. Conservation Biology 23:1001-1007.
Wooten, M. C. 2009. GENETICS: Laboratory Protocols. Contemporary Publishing, Raleigh, NC. 262 pp. ISBN: 0-89892-362
Tenaglia, K. M., J. L. Van Zant and M. C. Wooten. 2007. Multiple captures and relatedness of Alabama beach mice. Journal of Mammalogy 88:580-588.
Van Zant, J. L. and M. C. Wooten. 2007. Old mice, young islands and competing biogeography hypotheses. Molecular Ecology 16:5070-5083.
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Last updated: 01/23/2024