Department of Biological Sciences
Emeritus Professor
Email: kempfsc@auburn.edu
- A morphological and functional analysis of neurodevelopment in molluscan larvae.
- The energetics and morphology of zooxanthella - cnidarian symbioses using the anemone, Aiptasia pallida, as a model organism.
Kemp, D.W., S.C. Kempf, and W.K. Fitt. 2020. The weight of it all: symbiotic dinoflagellates in Caribbean reef-building corals. Marine Biology. 167(8): 1-6.
Page, L.R., I.M. Hildebrand, and S.C. Kempf. 2019. Siphonariid development: Quintessential euthyneuran larva with a mantle fold innovation (Gastropoda; Panpulmonata). Journal of Morphology. 280:634-653.
Mays, Maria M., and S.C. Kempf 2014. Antigenic variation in mucilage secreted by members of the genus Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology. 50:850-859.
Hanes, S.D. and S.C. Kempf 2013. Host autophagic degradation and associated symbiont loss in response to heat stress in the symbiotic anemone, Aiptasia pallida. Invertebrate Biology. 132:95-107.
Ellis, I. and S.C. Kempf. 2011. Characterization of the Central Nervous System and Various Peripheral Innervations During Larval Development of the Oyster Crassostrea virginica. Invertebrate Biology 130:236-250.
Ellis, I. and S.C. Kempf. 2011. The Presence and Location of Small Cardioactive-like Peptides in Larvae of Crassostrea virginica. Invertebrate Biology 130:251-263.
Page, L.R. and S.C. Kempf. (2009). Larval Apical Sensory Organ in a Neritimorph Gastropod, an Ancient Gastropod Lineage with Feeding Larvae. Zoomorphology 128:327-338.
Kempf, S.C.(2008) Serotonergic, sensory modifications in the apical ganglion during development to metamorphic competence in larvae of the dendronotid nudibranchs Melibe leonina and Tritonia diomedea. Microscopy Res. & Tech. 71:863-869.
Kempf, S.C. and L.R. Page. (2005). Anti-tubulin labeling reveals ampullary neuron ciliary bundles in opisthobranch larvae and a new putative neural structure associated with the apical ganglion. Biol. Bull. 208:169-182.
Estes, A.M., S.C. Kempf, and R.P. Henry. 2003. Localization and quantification of carbonic anhydrase in the symbiotic scyphozoan Cassiopea xamachana. Biol. Bull. 204:278-289.
Wakefield, T.S. and S.C. Kempf. 2001. Development of host- and symbiont-specific monoclonal antibodies and confirmation of the origin of the symbiosome membrane in a cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis. Biol. Bull. 200:127-143.
Wakefield, T.S., M.A. Farmer, S.C. Kempf. 2000. Revised description of the fine structure of in situ“zooxanthellae” genus Symbiodinium. Biol. Bull. 199:76-84.
Kempf, S.C., L.R. Page, A. Pires. 1997. Development of serotonin-like immunoreactivity in the embryos and larvae of nudibranch mollusks with emphasis on the structure and possible function of the apical sensory organ. J. Comp. Neurology 386:507-528.
Digital Textbooks:
- Haley, S.R., S.C. Kempf. 2018. Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development / Embryology.. Kindle Book https://www.amazon.com/Digital-Manual-Vertebrate-Development...
- Haley, S.R., S.C. Kempf. 2018. Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development / Embryology. Apple iBook https://itunes.apple.com/Haley&Kempf/DLMVDE
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 10mm Pig Embryo Serial Sagittal Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/10mm-Embryo-Serial-Sagittal-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 10mm Pig Embryo Serial Transverse Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/10mm-Embryo-Serial-Transverse-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 6mm Pig Embryo Serial Sagittal Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/6mm-Embryo-Serial-Sagittal-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 6mm Pig Embryo Serial Transverse Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/6mm-Embryo-Serial-Transverse-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 96hr Chicken Embryo Serial Sagittal Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Embryo-Serial-Sagittal-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 96hr Chicken Embryo Serial Transverse Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Embryo-Serial-Transverse-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 72hr Chicken Embryo Serial Sagittal Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Embryo-Serial-Sagittal-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 72hr Chicken Embryo Serial Transverse Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Embryo-Serial-Transverse-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 48hr Chicken Embryo Serial Sagittal Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Embryo-Serial-Sagittal-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 48hr Chicken Embryo Serial Transverse Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Embryo-Serial-Transverse-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 33hr Chicken Embryo Serial Sagittal Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Embryo-Serial-Sagittal-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 33hr Chicken Embryo Serial Transverse Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Embryo-Serial-Transverse-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 24hr Chicken Embryo Serial Sagittal Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Embryo-Serial-Sagittal-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 24hr Chicken Embryo Serial Transverse Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Embryo-Serial-Transverse-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 10mm Frog Tadpole Serial Frontal Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/10mm-Tadpole-Serial-Frontal-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 10mm Frog Tadpole Serial Sagittal Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/10mm-Tadpole-Serial-Sagittal-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 10mm Frog Tadpole Serial Transverse Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/10mm-Tadpole-Serial-Transverse-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 7mm Frog Tadpole Serial Frontal Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Frog-Tadpole-Serial-Frontal-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 7mm Frog Tadpole Serial Sagittal Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Frog-Tadpole-Serial-Sagittal-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 7mm Frog Tadpole Serial Transverse Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Frog-Tadpole-Serial-Transverse-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 4mm Frog Tadpole Serial Frontal Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Frog-Tadpole-Serial-Frontal-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 4mm Frog Tadpole Serial Sagittal Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Frog-Tadpole-Serial-Sagittal-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., S.R. Haley. 2019. 4mm Frog Tadpole Serial Transverse Sections: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development - Kindle Book. https://www.amazon.com/Frog-Tadpole-Serial-Transverse-Sections
- Kempf, S.C., M. Hortsch, D.K. MacCallumn. 2017. Don MacCallum's Michigan Histology. Vol. 4. Apple iBook. https://itunes.apple.com/Kempf/DMMHVolume4
- Kempf, S.C., M. Hortsch, D.K. MacCallumn. 2017. Don MacCallum's Michigan Histology. Vol. 4. Kindle https://www.amazon.com/Kempf/DMMHVolume4
- Kempf, S.C., M. Hortsch, D.K. MacCallumn. 2017. Don MacCallum's Michigan Histology. Vol. 3. Apple iBook https://itunes.apple.com/Kempf/DMMHVolume3
- Kempf, S.C., M. Hortsch, D.K. MacCallumn. 2017. Don MacCallum's Michigan Histology. Vol. 3. Kindle https://www.amazon.com/Kempf/DMMHVolume3
- Kempf, S.C., M. Hortsch, D.K. MacCallumn. 2017. Don MacCallum's Michigan Histology. Vol. 2. Apple iBook https://itunes.apple.com/Kempf/DMMHVolume2
- Kempf, S.C., M. Hortsch, D.K. MacCallumn. 2017. Don MacCallum's Michigan Histology. Vol. 2. Kindle https://www.amazon.com/Kempf/DMMHVolume2
- Kempf, S.C., M. Hortsch, D.K. MacCallumn. 2017. Don MacCallum's Michigan Histology. Vol. 1. Apple iBook https://itunes.apple.com/Kempf/DMMHVolume1
- Kempf, S.C., M. Hortsch, D.K. MacCallumn. 2017. Don MacCallum's Michigan Histology. Vol. 1. Kindle https://www.amazon.com/Kempf/DMMHVolume1
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Last updated: 10/05/2021