Department of Biological Sciences
Emeritus Professor
Email: feminjw@auburn.edu
- Effects of watershed disturbance and restoration on stream communities.
- Ecology of benthic invertebrates in temporary habitats.
- Biological interactions and life history patterns of aquatic invertebrates.
- Influence of aquatic invertebrate grazers on stream ecosystems.
- Experimental design and analysis of aquatic ecological studies.
Sefick, S. A., E. Kosnicki, M. H. Paller, and J. W. Feminella. 2018. Hydrogeomorphic reference conditions and its relationship with macroinvertebrate assemblages in Southeastern US Sand Hills streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association https://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.12650
Schneid, B. P., C. J. Anderson, and J. W. Feminella. 2017. The influence of low-intensity watershed development on the hydrology, geomorphology, physicochemistry, and macroinverbrate diversity of small coastal plains streams. Ecological Engineering 108:380-390 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.05.052
Helms, B.S., N.A. Bickford, N. W. Tubbs, and J. W. Feminella. 2017. Feeding, growth, and trophic position of Redbreast sunfish (Lepomis auritus) in watersheds of differing land cover in the lower Piedmont, USA. Urban Ecosystems https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-017-0696-8
Paller, M. H., B. A. Prusha, D. E. Fletcher, E. Kosnicki, S. A. Sefick, S. C. Sterrett, A. M. Grosse, T. D. Tuberville, and J. W. Feminella. 2016. Factors influencing stream fish species composition and functional properties at multiple spatial scales in the Sand Hills of the southeastern United States. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145:545-562. PDF
Newman, M. M., M. R. Liles, and J. W. Feminella. 2015. Litter breakdown and microbial succession on two submerged leaf species in a small forested stream. PLOS ONE 10(6) e0130801, doi 10.1371. PDF
Sefick, S. A., L. Kalin, E. Kosnicki, B. P. Schneid, M. S. Jarrell, C. J. Anderson, M. H. Paller, and J. W. Feminella. 2015. Empirical estimation of stream discharge using channel geometry in low-gradient, sand-bed streams of the Southeasterns Plains. Journal of the American Water Resources Association http://doi:10.1111/jawr.12278 PDF
Kosnicki, E., S. A. Sefick, M. H. Paller, M. S. Jarrell, B. A. Prusha, S. C. Sterret, T. D. Tuberville, and J. W. Feminella. 2014. Defining the reference condition for wadeable streams in the Sand Hills subdivision of the Southeastern Plains ecoregion, USA. Environmental Management 54:494-504. http://doi 10.1007/s00267-014-0320-0 PDF
Helms, B., W. Budnick, P. Pecora, J. Skipper, E. Kosnicki, J. W. Feminella, and J. Stoeckel. 2013. The influence of soil type, congeneric cues, and floodplain connectivity on the local distribution of the devil crayfish (Cambarus diogenes Girard). Freshwater Science 32:1333-1344. PDF
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Last updated: 10/05/2021