
DMS Applied Mathematics Seminar

Time: Oct 16, 2020 (02:00 PM)
Location: ZOOM


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Speaker: Song Chen (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse)

Title: A neural network approach to sampling based learning control for quantum system with uncertainty


Abstract:   Robust control design for quantum systems with uncertainty is a key task for developing practical quantum technology. In this talk, we apply neural networks to learn the control of a quantum system with uncertainty. By exploiting the auto differentiation function developed for neural network models, our method avoids the manual computation of the gradient of the cost function as required in traditional methods. We implement our method using two algorithms. One uses neural networks to learn both the states and the controls and one uses neural networks to learn only the controls but solve the states by finite difference methods. Both algorithms incorporate the sampling-based learning process into the training of the networks. The performance of the algorithms is evaluated on a practical numerical example, followed by a detailed discussion about the advantage and trade-offs between our method and the other numerical schemes.