COSAM News Articles 2024 05 COSAM’s Graduation Marshal seeks to serve others through dentistry with a passion for people

COSAM’s Graduation Marshal seeks to serve others through dentistry with a passion for people

Published: 05/03/2024

By: Maria Gebhardt

Being a dentist is much more than just a career to Will Bonduris.

It is something he has been preparing for his entire life—or at least most of it.

His grandfather, a dental technician, made crowns and implants. When he was just five or six years old, he would visit his grandfather’s dental lab. When he got older, he even worked there for an entire summer.

He learned that dentistry is an art form from a very young age.

“I learned from painting and staining teeth, that there is a real art form to making these crowns and implants looks natural,” he said. “But I realized something was missing while working there.”

The people.

“I love making connections with people and interacting with patients,” he added. “The doctor/patient relationship is so critically important, and it helps me thrive.”

And that relationship is what he is seeking as he earns his bachelor's degree with a major in biomedical sciences in the College of Sciences and Mathematics (COSAM).

Bonduris is the COSAM Graduation Marshal for the Spring 2024 Commencement Ceremony. He will carry the COSAM flag and represent the entire college.

“When I was shadowing on a dental bus and assisting with both filings and extractions, I saw the bold impact that a dentist can make on a patient’s life,” he said. “Being a dentist will allow me to combine my passion for dentistry, my artistic talents, and my desire to build relationships to serve other people through better dental health.”

Originally from Dacula, Georgia, Bonduris served as the vice president of the COSAM Leaders and vice presidents of local service for IMPACT. He also served as the treasurer for America’s Tooth Fairy at Auburn University and is a member of the FarmHouse Fraternity.

Bonduris earned a minor in finance, which will be helpful for him as he becomes a business owner with his own dental practice in the future.

After graduation, he will be attending the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

“One thing I really learned is to have a dental philosophy,” he said. “I want to take a holistic approach to ensure my patients receive the best care possible.”

His advice to students is to assist while you are still in school.

“There are so many aspects to dentistry,” Bonduris said. “There is the technical role behind the scenes like my grandfather had, the patient relationship and understanding what the patient needs.”

He also shared fond memories of professors in COSAM.

“Dr. Goodwin for my biochemistry 2 class was exceptional,” he said. “Dr. Goodwin combines organic chemistry and biology with a ton of fun.”

Yes, biochemistry can apparently be fun.

“There was this specific class where Dr. Goodwin brought donuts and rewarded students for all of their hard work for the semester… or so we thought,” he explained.

However, the lesson was more than that.

“Dr. Goodwin was really trying to demonstrate the metabolic path of a donut with us,” he said. “This molecular theater was played out where students physically held signs of molecules and had to react with others in the Mell classroom building.”

Professors like Goodwin make learning fun in COSAM and help shape future leaders.

“And, as a future dentist, you should definitely stay away from that donut – or ask Dr. Goodwin in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry exactly why you should,” he jokingly said.


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