One Auburn || Auburn University

OneAuburn centralizes stakeholder data and communication tools in one place and enables data-driven decisions and personalized experiences to all university stakeholders. As a key goal of the 2019-2024 strategic plan, OneAuburn is the process by which Auburn University can work together to share data and support student and employee success.

Key Components of the OneAuburn Initiative

Successful Outcomes

Adoption of the academic org

Over half of Auburn’s colleges/schools have adopted Salesforce and are leveraging clean, more accurate data from the data warehouse.

Data Warehouse Integrations

Applications including Qlik and Qualtrics are now integrated with the data warehouse making those tools more powerful. These integrations help corral data into a more useable, real-time format.


Stakeholders across campus are realizing the value of standardized definitions and best practices that are promoted by data governance.


Marketing Cloud provides Auburn’s first enterprise level communication tool/preference management center. The platform ensures communicators have full access to powerful tools to better engage with their constituents.


Stakeholders from Academics, Advancement, Admissions, and Human Resources are actively identifying ways to share data and improve processes.


Colleagues from across campus including Advancement, Athletics, and Admissions are helping to remove data silos by building API integrations with the data warehouse. This provides a network with future integrations.


Efficient use of the data warehouse eliminates redundant applications as more CRM functionality becomes available. The financial savings from fewer technical applications is redirected toward other resources.


Validated corporate contact information by Dun & Bradstreet

Ensuring accurate and up-to-date corporate account information is crucial. By validating this data through Dun & Bradstreet, we enhance transparency, credibility, and trustworthiness.

Data Warehouse Integration

Integrating Salesforce with the data warehouse allows for seamless data flow and synchronization. This ensures that information aligns with the most accurate and current data available.

18 Active Integrations and Apps

Having a robust ecosystem of integrations and apps enhances functionality. These tools can support various college initiatives, streamline processes, and improve user experiences.

Leveraging Marketing Cloud

Actively using Marketing Cloud provides targeted communication opportunities. By segmenting audiences effectively, we can tailor messages, promotions, and updates to specific user groups, ultimately improving engagement and conversion rates.

Fostering Collaboration Across Colleges/Units

Encouraging collaboration among different colleges or units promotes knowledge sharing, resource optimization, and the creation of innovative solutions. It helps break down silos and fosters a cohesive digital presence.