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Why set goals?

Goals define what you want to accomplish and motivate you toward achieving them. By knowing exactly what you want to accomplish, you can focus your attention and energy on what is important and also avoid distractions. The goal-setting process allows you to see your progress and take pride in what you have accomplished, and you will be able to monitor your progress and see how far you have come in obtaining your long-term goal!

Goal Setting Process

Step 1: The first step in the goal-setting process is determining and setting your long-term goal. Remember when setting long-term goals you should consider how the desired outcome will impact your health and wellness. The goal should also be something that is attainable, challenging, and measurable.

Step 2: The second step in the process is creating a series of weekly short-term goals that will help you advance toward achieving your long-term goal. When setting short-term goals, set goals that are performance-based, not outcome based. Performance-based goals are related to the execution of the sport or activity, rather than a specific outcome related to performance.


The following SMART Goals principles should be implemented when setting your long-term and weekly goals for this course.


Always set β€œSMART” goals!

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Your short-term goals should specifically state what you want to accomplish. Your goal should pertain to what you want to learn and accomplish by the next week.

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You should be able to quantify or measure your goals. For example, how many times per week and for how long will you engage in the activity, or how many attempts will you make at practicing a skill.

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Your goals should be realistic. You should be able to reach your short-term goals by next week and your long-term goals by the end of the semester.

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Your goals should pertain to what you want to accomplish. For this course your goals should pertain to your specific physical activity course.

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Determine a specific time period in which you want to reach your goals.


Goal-setting Rules

You need to ask yourself two questions when setting goals:

o   Are your short term goals relative to your long-term goals?

o   Are your short-term and long-term goals realistic for the duration that you have set?

Remember: β€œThe difference between a Dream and a Goal is having a timeline.”