
vendorOnce you've identified those items you wish to purchase, it's time to identify a place where the items will be purchased. In general, libraries will purchase three ways: local vendors, national vendors, or online vendors. Sometimes a local store or supplier can provide a good deal. The advantage of a local supplier is the service and support of materials. However, they don't always provide the best prices and often have limited inventories.

Many librarians prefer to use large national vendors with a history of quality service, while others choose online discount suppliers. When selecting a vendor be sure to check their policies related to placing orders, tracking procedures, and backorders.

Consider a vendor that caters to libraries. These vendors sometimes provide higher quality boxes and bindings, as well as processing and cataloging services. For example, they may provide you with a floppy disk containing the MARC record that can be entered directly into your automation system. Or, they may provide password access into their online processing service. They may also provide other services such as video licensing rights.

You may also look at vendors that focus on a particular media type. For example, there are a number of quality audiobook vendors online.

tryA teacher comes to you (school media specialist) asking for help with a television program. The program was broadcast several weeks in the past and they recorded it off-air. They now want your help in trying to secure permission or purchase the rights to use the program; in this case, they are seeking to extend their use beyond the limits posed by the "Off-air Videorecording Guidelines" and the "TEACH Act." What would you do, where would you start? Explore "I Saw It On TV . . ." by Corrine Smith and the Mitchell Multimedia Center, Northwestern University.

Audio and Video Collections

Below you'll find links to some well-known vendors who sell and distribute audio and video materials.

Audio and Video Furnishings, Storage, and Supplies

The following suppliers can be helpful in providing audio and video supplies, storage containers, shelving and other furnishings:

Also, check the off-site links page for Physical Processing Supplies Vendor. from Moffitt Libraries, University of California, Berkeley

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