Below is a list of commonly asked Internship questions. For information regarding tution questions please click the link below.

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Who is in charge of the communication, public relations and RTVF internship program and how do I get in touch with this person?

Ric Smith is the Internship Coordinator, PHONE: 334-844-2757, OFFICE: Tichenor 210, EMAIL:

What is the easiest way to find out about the internship program and its requirements?

The Departmental web page has a link with internship information. Internship packets are available online by just clicking on your major. Here’s the address… . Also, packets are available in the main office in Tichenor.

How can I find companies that are looking for interns?

There are a variety of ways. The best first step is to check the website. You can also search for internships on job search engines or by going to a regular search engine and typing in key words like “public relations internship.” Feel free to see Ric Smith anytime for help. The program is designed for you to develop your own internship. We want you to gain a little “job finding” experience for that job search you’ll do when you graduate. But don’t ever think you’re out there all alone. We’ll do whatever we can to help. But you have to ask. If you don’t ask, we won’t know you need help.

How can I find a good internship?

That all depends on what you are interested in. Think about what you want to do and where you want to do it. That is really the first step in developing an internship. For example, if you want to move to Nashville and work with a PR agency, then identify those firms and contact them. Internships often turn into permanent jobs, so if you are in the market you want to live in, doing the type of things you want to do, then you’re off to a good start. Finding a good internship is all about doing your homework. Yes, there is homework with internships too. Start early. Be prepared. Learn what is out there. Don’t settle for the first thing that comes along and don’t put yourself in a last minute bind. Getting an internship is easy. The tricky part is getting the internship that is best for you.

What kind of internship can I do?

It’s fairly wide open depending on your career goals. We require that the internship allow you to gain hands-on, practical experience appropriate for an entry level employee with a college degree. You should not be doing clerical work like filing and answering the phone, although helping out with those tasks on occasion is ok. You are their to learn and grow. Also, the internship should be appropriate to the major.

Will I be paid?

Probably not, but it’s ok if you are. The reality for our majors is that you will probably not be paid as an intern. However, some organizations do pay. And that happens in various ways. Some pay an hourly rate. Others pay a stipend, say $500 for the semester. The organization may offer to pay parking and take you to lunch. This issue should be discussed during the interview, but it should not be the first question you ask.

How do I contact them?

Do more homework. Check the website. Call and ask for information. Ask the receptionist for the name of the internship director and then speak to that person. Some companies are quite formal in the way they go about selecting interns. Others are very laid back. It all depends on the company. You just have to get a feel for what they want. A cover letter and resume followed by a phone call is usually a good way to go about it. Always verify names and titles of people you write letters to. What you really want to do is set up an interview. Then you can show them what a wonderful person you are and convince them you will be an asset to the company. Always remember to look at things from their point of view. They want someone who is eager to learn, who is mature and motivated, who can contribute to the organization, who would qualify as a potential hire and who is pleasant to work with. Make sure they see those things in you.

Should I get approval of an internship before or after I am offered one?

It is always a good idea to discuss internships before you apply. You will, however, need to verify your internship after you accept it.

How can I find out about what I will be doing during the internship?

The companies you are interested in will probably want to interview you. And you should always interview them. Remember, this internship is very important to your career. Don’t be shy about asking questions. Try to get names of current interns and call or email them to ask about their experience with the internship. Did they enjoy working for the company? What was a typical day like? Did they have enough work to do?

What should I know about cover letters and resumes?

The cover letter should be one page, and should be concise and well-written because it will be the first impression you make on a potential employer. Write your letter in a way that emphasizes your skills and how they relate to the position you desire. Also, mention something you know about the company. Don’t send a form letter. Sure, you can use a template, but make your letter specific to each company. Touch on the most outstanding activities and experience on your resume. Close your letter by offering times when you will be available to interview. Then follow up with a call. Be assertive without being obnoxious. Resumes should also be one page and should highlight your accomplishments. You may want to go to Career Services in Martin Hall for help with resume building, letter writing and interview preparation. This is what they do and they are good at it.

How do I prepare for the interview?

Do all of your homework about the company and think of questions to ask the interviewers. If you are prepared, they will be impressed. They want to know you are serious about the internship. Dress appropriately – it is always better to dress up than it is to dress down. Don’t wear excessive cologne or jewelry, as they may be distracting. Bring a notebook to take notes when the interviewer explains the position and bring a portfolio of examples of your work. Never speak negatively about former employers, or of others in general. Offer complete answers to the questions, but don’t take too long on any question. Be sure to follow up with a thank you note for every person you spoke with during the interview.

What if I don’t have a place to live?

Companies often have realty information packets for employees new to the area. Ask for information or suggestions from the employer. If the internship program has a large number of interns, ask other interns if they need roommates to cut the cost of rent.

What does the department expect of me during my internship?

You should be there EVERY DAY and BE ON TIME. Treat the internship as a REAL JOB. Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. Do not spend excessive amounts of time on the computer checking email or making personal phone calls. If you run out of things to work on, talk with your supervisor to ask what else you can do. Be a self starter. Look for ways you can contribute. Your internship is important for a variety of reasons. You are learning. You are networking. You are building a reputation (good or bad). Overall, Auburn interns have a very good reputation. It is up to you to maintain it.

How do I know if I am doing a good job during my internship?

It is important to touch base with your supervisor regularly. You may find that you see your supervisor on a daily basis or maybe it will be once a week. Be sure to develop consistent communication. Ask if you are meeting expectations and what else you need to learn. Ask what you are doing well and what you need to improve on.

What kind of assignment will I need to complete for the department during my internship?

You will be required to write two reports during your internship. One will be due mid-semester and one will be due at the end of your internship. You’ll receive e-mail reminders before they are due.

Since the internship is only a semester long, how can I make the most of my time?

Ask to attend staff meetings to see how the department or company works together as a whole. Ask to attend seminars for personal and leadership development. Visit employees in your department (and other departments) and conduct informational interviews, asking them about what they specifically do and what kind of background they have. Network within the company, because you never know when an internship might lead to a full-time position!

Should I register for 3 credit hours or 6?

Well, it depends. The Department requires that you complete a 3 credit hour internship. If you choose the 6 credit hour option, the other 3 hours will count as elective credit. So, if you have completed your electives, it may make sense to do the 3 hour option. If you are a part time student while interning, the Bursar’s Office will bill you for the hours you have registered for. So if you register for the 3 hour internship it will cost less than if you register for the 6 hour internship (that’s assuming you are not taking other classes that would make you a full time student). If you are working “full-time” hours during the internship, it’s still ok to register for the 3 hour option. We are concerned that you work the minimum hours. You can still work “full-time” hours during the internship-- that’s between you and your on-the-job supervisor. As long as you are receiving college credit, the supervisor will be satisfied.

You should enroll in the 6 credit hour option if you need the extra 3 hours of elective credit in order to graduate. Also, you may find you need to register for the 6 hour option in order to satisfy financial aid or family insurance requirements. And remember, if you sign up for the 6 hour internship, you must complete the minimum weekly hours.

I know that’s a little confusing, but it may help you save some money.

3 Hour Internship: 15 hours per week on the job for the full semester or 20 hours per week for the full summer term.

6 Hour Internship: 30 hours per week