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Supporting Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender People.

 The goal of the after-mentioned organization is to promote mutually supportive relationships among all students and members of the surrounding community in the interest of advancing campus and community diversity.  Furthermore, we believe that Auburn and Auburn University are strengthened by the diversity of people and ideas and that each person has worth and should be treated with dignity and respect.

Auburn Gay and Lesbian Association

Article I: The Organization

 Section 1:
 The name of the organization shall be the Auburn Gay and Lesbian Association
 Herein after referred to as “AGLA”.

 Section 2:
 The purpose of the organization is as follows:
a) to provide support for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people, their friends,
and supporters;
b) to educate the campus and community about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and 
transgender issues and;
c) to establish a campus and community environment free of prejudice based on
sexual orientation and gender and actively encourage student activities which foster a positive, supportive, respectful, and thoughtful community.

Article II: Membership

 Section 1:
 Membership in this organization shall be open to all persons (Students and Non-
 Students) regardless of sexual orientation, race, color, ethnic group, national 
 origin, sex, gender, religion, age, physical disability, marital status, veteran status, 
 and/or any discriminatory factor prohibited by law.  Membership in the 
 organization can be denied or terminated if it is determined by the majority vote 
 of the present voting members at a special meeting that an individual’s actions or 
 intentions are in any way harmful to the goals of the organization.

 Section 2:
 Voting privileges are granted to those members that meet all of the following 
a) member must attend two (2) consecutive meetings;
b) member must have read and signed a copy of the constitution;
c) member must have paid dues of $7.00 for the semester or $14.00 for academic year; and
d) member must register his/her name and email address (and/or telephone number) with the President of Membership.

Section 3:
In order to preserve each individual member’s right to privacy, any formal or informal membership lists are to be kept in the strictest confidence.  Any member(s) who releases the name or contact information without the consent of that particular member is subject to immediate removal from the organization.

Article III:  Executive Board

 Section 1:  Elections
Election of the Executive Board (executive officers and the Public Relations Chair) for the academic year will be held on the second (2nd) to last meeting of the spring semester.  Nominations will be accepted for a period of two (2) weeks prior to the election.  Voting will be by secret ballot.  The Advisor of the organization should preside over elections.  If the Advisor is unable to do so, a non-voting member will be selected to preside over the election.  A simple majority of the voting members present shall determine the winner.  Officers assume duties at the closure of the meeting in which they are elected.  With the exception of the Public Relations Chair all elected officials must be a student attending Auburn University.

 Section 2:  Term of Office
 A term is one (1) year.  A member can only hold a particular office for two (2) 
 consecutive years.

 Section 3:  Officers
a) Co-Presidents:
The Co-Presidents* shall have the responsibilities to preside over meetings, coordinate programs and activities for the organization, create and appoint committees with the advice and consent of the voting members and perform other duties as required.  The co-presidents consist of the President of Membership and President of Programs.  The duties of the co-presidents should be delegated as follows:
 *President of Membership: Keeps a current list of all voting members; 
   recruitment of new members; facilitate all social functions and activities 
 outside and during regular meetings (i.e. parties, potlucks, icebreakers…)

  *President of Programs: facilitate group discussions, obtain guest speakers
for meetings, and coordinate programs (i.e. campus wide speakers or    programs)

b) Executive Communication Officer:
The Executive Communication Officer (ECO) shall keep an account of all organization meetings, both general and executive, and all non-financial records.  The ECO also should be in charge of communication between members (non- and voting) and the executive board (i.e. mail-outs and/or e-mail to and from members.)

c) Finance Officer
The Finance Officer shall keep an accurate record of all the organization’s financial dealings, including fundraisers, and shall give a detailed report at regular meetings.  Authorized officers for expenditures include the combined signatures of any two of the following:  The Advisor, Finance Officer, President of Membership, or President of Programs.

d) Chair Positions
With the exception of the Public Relations Chair*, the co-presidents may appoint committees that include a chairperson that is not an elected officer.  This position is short term and lasts for the duration of the committees, unless dissolved by the co-presidents.  Chair positions do not require the member to be a student.

*Public Relations Chair:  The Public Relations Chair (PRC) shall act as the official representative of the organization. S/he shall be empowered to make statements on behalf of the organization to the public unless restricted by a vote of the membership.  The PRC is also in charge of organizing educational panels.  The PRC shall receive email from the website.  This position requires the member to be out of the closet. This is the only chair position that is permanent.  The PRC sits on the executive board.

Section 4:  Questioning of Policies
If a question over the delegation of these responsibilities arise or a question of policy cannot be agreed upon by the executive board, the question should be decided by a majority vote of the voting members present at the meeting which the issue arises.

Section 5:  Delegation of Power for Vacant Officer Positions
a) In case of a vacancy of either Co-President, the remaining Co-President shall be solely in charge until the vacancy is filled.
b) If both co-president positions are vacated, then the Public Relations Chair will act as temporary President until one or both positions are filled.  The order of succession thereafter shall be Executive Communication Officer followed b the Finance Officer.

Section 6:  Filling Officer Vacancies
In the event of an officer vacancy, an announcement of the vacancy will be given at the next meeting and the election will be held at the following meeting.  Reasonable attempts must be made to notify all voting members in writing (i.e. email) or by phone of the nominations and proposed election date. 

Section 7: Officer Removal
In the event the membership feels that an officer is mishandling her/his duties in office, a written letter should be presented to the Advisor.  The Advisor will then have a conference with the officer.  Thereafter, if the membership still is unsatisfied with the officer’s handling of the office, another letter shall be written to the Advisor requesting immediate removal of the officer.  The Advisor shall call a special meeting announcing the request.  A reasonable attempt must be made to notify all voting members in writing (i.e. e-mail) or by phone of the removal request and proposed date of the special meeting.  A majority vote of the voting members shall become the deciding factor in the dismissal.

Article IV: Meetings
Meetings shall be held during the academic year as determined by the executive board.  Special meetings shall be called by either one of the Co-Presidents and/or Advisor.

Article VI:  Constitution Amendment or Revision
This constitution may be amended or revised with the approval of the majority of the voting membership present at the meeting.  Such a vote must be announced to the general membership fourteen (14) days prior to the actual vote and must be held during a regularly scheduled meeting.  All voting members must have access to the current version and proposed version(s) for the seven (7) days prior to the vote.  Any and all changes should be clearly visible.

Date of Revision:
11 September 2000


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