AIM: The Auburn International Mentoring Program

What to Expect - Working With Your Mentor

  • As the mentee, you are in the driver’s seat in the mentoring relationship. The success of your mentorship will depend on your active participation.
  • You are responsible for making first contact with your mentor. Compose an introductory e-mail, telling your mentor about yourself and, briefly, about your goals. Ask your mentor how he or she prefers to communicate, both for your monthly virtual meetings and for any follow-up questions you may have at other times.
  • Your mentor will provide you with invaluable insight into living and working outside the U.S. Your mentor’s role is to guide you toward success in your goals. Your mentor is not there to secure you a job or an internship.
  • Always communicate with your mentor in a respectful and professional way. Address your mentor formally unless asked to do otherwise. Always use proper grammar, punctuation and syntax in written communications with your mentor.
  • Come to each scheduled meeting with an idea of topics you would like to discuss. A good mentor often spends more time listening than speaking, so come prepared with something relevant to say!
  • Always be on time for scheduled meetings. Do not cancel scheduled meetings except in an emergency situation.
  • Remember to express your gratitude for your mentor’s help.
  • Do not arrange to meet your mentor in person. If an in-person meeting is desired, you must contact Jenn Mason, director of international initiatives, before any plans are made.

Last Updated: August 10, 2015