V  pre-vet  V



We are group of dedicated pre-vet students brought together by our common interest in veterinary medicine and our love of animals. Our group transcends differences in majors and even colleges! As long as you have a passion for animals, you're more than welcome to come. The students in the club primarily come from the most common pre-vet majors found in the College of Agriculture, College of Science and Math, and the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences. What does that mean? We're all a family despite our different backgrounds and school decisions.

If you really want to get nitpicky, please view our constitution here.



Various speakers come in and give information on various topics. They present what specialty they may be in, and why they chose it. The best part being that you can ask them more questions as you get further in your education. Some such examples are:
Equine Medicine
Raptor Medicine


One of the most popular meetings we have is the Admissions Talk. One of the admissions representatives actually comes and talks about the things they look for and some basic statistics to show how those just entering did before applying.
Tours of the Vet School are even available, and we set up a station at the Vet Open House held each year.


Michelle Walter is in charge of all service projects done. They are a great way to get experience and learn more about what goes into the various aspects of veterinary medicine. Some examples are:
Shiloh Farms
Boo at the Zoo
Volunteer opportunities at the Birmingham Zoo
Service Sundays at the Lee County Humane Society


The best part, in my opinion, is that you get to be around people who want the same thing that you do. It's a relaxing atmosphere for one of the stressful majors offered here at Auburn. The members and officers are always willing to help out and it's a nice social network to get yourself out there with the professionals of the time.

Last updated: 08/19/2010