Project Overview


This project focuses on regional transfers 10s to 100s of miles in length, which are commonly known as major IBTs. Studies suggest there are over 100 major IBTs worldwide (See Sources). The objective is to develop digital maps that will help people to better understand IBT infrastructure, function, and impacts, which will be useful to various audiences in their educational, research, and management activities. Educating students and concerned stakeholders about IBTs will hopefully inspire them to learn more about sustainable management of water resources. 

Map Products and Resources

  • Digital maps of major IBT routes and their key features in Google Earth format
  • Brief overviews of the IBT systems and lists of sources
  • Tips for beginners on using Google Earth to view and analyze the IBT maps
  • Glossary of key terms about IBT design features and operation
  • Exercises for developing technical and critical thinking skills (In development)

Why was Google Earth chosen for this project?

Google Earth’s visualization capabilities and ease of use make it a natural choice for helping to understand the scale and function of a major IBT without over-complicating the learning process. The analytical tools are sufficient for exploring basic aspects of the system, and the free cost of the software increase the potential for reaching a broad audience with an interest in viewing the map data, particularly among K-12 and college students. Furthermore, the Google Earth files can be imported easily into a GIS software program such as ArcGIS for conducting more advanced analysis.