Academic Warning, Suspension, and Appeals

Academic Warning

Academic Warning status is imposed at the end of any term for which the student’s cumulative GPA on Auburn course work is below 2.0.

Academic Suspension

Any student who is already on Academic Warning status will be placed on Academic Suspension if both of the following conditions apply: (1) the term GPA is below 2.2 and (2) the cumulative GPA on Auburn course work is below that required for the designated number of hours earned as follows:

# Hours Earned Required Minimum Auburn Cumulative GPA
1 0-30.999 1.50
2 31-60.999 1.80
3 61-90.999 1.90
4 91 or more 1.97

All students, whether beginning freshmen or transfers, are not subject to suspension until they have received one semester warning (i.e. students cannot go directly from Good Standing status to an Academic Suspension in a single semester).

Terms of Suspension

Summer term does not count as a semester for terms of academic suspension (ex. a student receiving a First Academic Suspension after the spring term must sit out for the summer and fall).

A student who incurs a First Academic Suspension may not enroll in the university for a minimum of one standard (15 week) semester. A student returning from academic suspension will be on Academic Warning status. A student who incurs a Second Academic Suspension may not enroll in the university for a minimum of two standard (15 week) semesters. A student who has incurred two academic suspensions will be placed on Last Warning upon their return. A student on Last Warning who does not achieve at least a 2.2 in the current academic term or reach the overall GPA target listed above will be dismissed from the university.

A student on suspension may not take coursework at Auburn University or any other institution of higher education, either during summer term or during the other semesters of suspension and apply the credit to an Auburn University degree.


Students on First or Second Academic Suspension may appeal the decision to the Academic Appeals Committee for a short window of time following each term (fall, spring, & summer). Under some extraordinary circumstances, a student who has been dismissed from Auburn University may be readmitted at a future date. In these cases, no coursework taken elsewhere during the period of dismissal can be applied toward an Auburn University degree.

See below for detailed information on the separate appeals processes for Academic Suspension and Academic Dismissal.

Instructions for Appealing a First or Second Academic Suspension

Policy: Undergraduate students who incur Academic Suspension under the rules detailed in the Auburn University Bulletin may appeal the decision to the Academic Appeals Committee if they believe that extraordinary circumstances merit an exception to the rules.

Directions: To file an appeal, provide the information requested on the online form and submit it electronically to the Office of the Registrar by the deadline below.

Application Portal and Deadline: The portal for submitting the online form will open on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at 7:45 a,m. and close on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 4:45 p.m. Appeals must be submitted during this time period. To access the form to appeal a First or Second Suspension, click here.

Review of Appeals: The committee takes into consideration information provided by the student, including the student’s explanation of extraordinary circumstances; comments from the student’s advisor (if provided); and the student’s academic record.

Notification: The Academic Appeals committee typically meets during the week following final exams. Students will be notified by email after the Academic Appeals Committee has made a decision.

Questions: Email

Instructions for Appealing an Academic Dismissal

Policy: In general, undergraduate students who have been dismissed from the University may appeal their dismissal only after one calendar year has elapsed. In rare instances, students on dismissal who have a minimum grade point average of 1.85, are within 18 credit hours of graduation, and who demonstrate the appropriate changes in attitude necessary to be ready to complete their degree requirements may appeal to their academic dean for readmission.

Directions: To request a Dismissal Appeal, provide your name, birthdate, Banner ID, and Auburn email address to the Office of the Registrar at We will get in touch regarding the next steps.

Deadline: Undergraduate students appealing an academic dismissal must sit out for one full year unless they meet the criteria of a 1.85 cumulative GPA and are within 18 hours of completion of their degree. Otherwise, there are no restrictions on when an appeal may be submitted.

Review of Appeals: Appeals of dismissal are reviewed at the level of the academic dean. A completed Dismissal Appeal form, indicating approval/disapproval, is returned to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

Notification: Students will be notified by email once the appeal has been processed.

Questions: Email

Academic Appeals Committee (Registrar)

The Academic Appeals Committee shall consist of the University Registrar, who shall serve as chair; Provost’s designee; Director of Academic Support Services; Director of University Advising; Director of Student Financial Services or designee; together with three faculty members. The committee shall recommend readmissions procedures for undergraduate students and shall act upon all appeals for readmission. (8 members)