Insight Lab || Academic Insight
Open Access Career Outcomes
Auburn University strives to “inspire and prepare students for life and careers through delivery of an excellent and supportive experience characterized by distinctive, innovative curricula and engaging student life programs.”
The information on this site is based on data collected in Auburn University’s First Destination Survey (FDS) embedded within Achieve the Creed, a senior graduation course aligned with national standards. Check back each spring; this data is updated annually.
All students register for Achieve the Creed in the semester they plan to graduate and then complete the FDS in the last two weeks of the semester. The Office of Academic Insight then implements a follow-up process with all students whom indicated they were still seeking employment or still applying to graduate school (graduates indicating part-time work or “Other” are also included in follow-up calls/searches).
The data visualized on this website reflects each graduate’s placement in the months immediately following graduation (i.e. first destination). At Auburn University we refer to this as our six-month post-graduation placement rate. Additional details collected from graduates with a status of “Employed Full Time” or “Continuing Education” help populate the filterable charts and lists below.
Employment Outcomes
You may update the visualizations by choosing one or more of the filters: Academic Year, College or School, and/or Major. All of the visuals on the page will be updated to reflect the selected filters.
** The dashboard below can take up to a minute to load **
Continuing Education Outcomes
The list below represents the most commonly reported employer for the population of students selected.