Academic Integrity

Auburn University is dedicated to honesty and strong moral behavior in academics. Cheating and plagiarism are expressly prohibited by the Auburn University Academic Honesty Code.

Students who attend Auburn are expected to attain high competency and deep understanding in their areas of study. While developing skills and knowledge, it is essential that Auburn students commit themselves to core principles and behaviors consistent with academic and personal integrity:

  • Honesty – Upholding trust and honesty by doing your own academic work and not cheating.

  • Fairness – Following correct academic procedures and practices as stated in course guidelines and as defined by Auburn University.

  • Respect – Growing as a student by facing academic challenges and interacting productively with instructors.

  • Responsibility – Being accountable for and accepting responsibility for class assignments and personal academic development.

Examples of Academic Dishonesty

  • Plagiarism or using the words or ideas of another as if they were one’s own without giving the author or creator credit through proper documentation or recognition, as through the use of footnotes.

  • Using unauthorized sources in preparation of your work.

  • Copying from another student’s exam, paper, or assignment.

  • Use of materials not authorized during a test; e.g., electronic devices, notes, textbook, notes written on any part of your body or clothing including hats and shoes.

  • Submitting a paper, report, examination, or any class assignment which has been altered or corrected, in part or in whole, for reevaluation or re-grading without the consent of the instructor.

  • Serving as or enlisting the assistance of another as a substitute in the taking of examinations.

  • Enlisting the assistance of another to write a paper or writing a paper for someone.

  • Altering or misusing a document for academic purposes. This would include university forms and doctor’s excuses.

  • Selling, giving, lending, or otherwise furnishing to any other person any material (homework assignments, tests, etc.), whether electronically or otherwise which can be shown to contain the questions or answers to any examination scheduled to be given at some subsequent date in any course of study, excluding questions and answers from tests previously administered and returned to a student by the instructor.

  • Altering or attempting to alter an assigned grade on any official Auburn University record.

  • Instructors may delineate other actions that they consider a violation of the Academic Honesty Code in a written course syllabus.

Examples of Academic Dishonesty in an Online Environment

In addition to the examples above, academic dishonesty in an online environment also includes, but is not limited to:

  • The use of “cheat sheets”.

  • The use of Google Search.

  • The use of Google Translate.

  • Having someone else do your homework or take a test for you or doing the same for another student.

  • The use of smartphones by storing exam related information on the device.

  • Copying test questions for distribution to others.

  • Hiding flashcards underneath the keyboard.

  • Posting answers on walls.

Tips for Avoiding Academic Dishonesty

  • Be aware of what constitutes plagiarism and cheating.

  • If you are unclear as to what could be considered academic dishonesty, consult your instructor.

  • Read the course syllabus to ensure that you understand assignment instructions and course policies.

  • Allow adequate time to study for exams and to write papers.

  • Do not lend completed assignments to others.

  • Be cautious when sharing a computer with others.

  • Make careful notes and use appropriate research citations to avoid plagiarism.

  • Only submit your own work. Never turn in work that was prepared by others.


All sanctions assigned for violations of the Academic Honesty Code are reported to the Office of the Provost and to the dean of the college or school in which the student is registered. The following sanctions may be imposed for violation of the Student Academic Honesty Code:

  • A zero grade on the examination, project, paper, etc., in which the violation occurs.

  • A grade of F in the course in which the violation occurs. The notation “assigned for academic dishonesty” may be placed on the academic transcript for a designated length of time.

  • Suspension from Auburn University for one or more semesters. During suspension, the student will not be allowed to take any courses at Auburn University either in residence or by correspondence. Auburn University will not accept any course credits earned at another institution during suspension.

  • Expulsion from Auburn University.

Sanctions are listed in Chapter 1202 of the Student Academic Honesty code.

Student Rights

If a student violates the Academic Honesty Code, he or she can expect the following:

  • Written notice of any official charge of academic dishonesty.

  • Option 1: A facilitated meeting to resolve the charge of academic dishonesty. The right to request a meeting at which any charges of academic dishonesty can be discussed and resolved with the instructor of the course in which the alleged violation occurs and a faculty member of the Academic Honesty Committee who shall serve as a Facilitator. The student will be notified of his or her right to request a facilitated meeting within fifteen (15) working days of the detection of the alleged violation. The student will have five (5) days after notification of the violation to indicate his or her intention to attend a Facilitated Meeting. In order for a Facilitated Meeting to occur, the instructor of the course in question must also request to engage in the Facilitated Meeting.

  • Option 2: Resolution of academic honesty violations by a hearing process before the full Academic Honesty Committee.

  • To present witnesses and evidence before the Academic Honesty Committee.

  • The right to appeal to the President of Auburn University a finding of a violation and recommended sanction by the Committee.

Student Rights are listed in Chapter 1206 and 1208 of the Student Academic Honesty Code.

Questions regarding Auburn University’s Academic Honesty Code should be directed to:

Dr. Mark DeGoti
Office of the Provost

Last updated: July 23, 2024