Assignment #4 - 2020

In your final assignment dealing with regression, I simply want you to analyze the three dataset posted below using regression. For each dataset, write the appropriate sentence describing your results (one set for each analyzed dataset), as well as a graph of the y predictions and the prediction intervals. The sentences should be structured as we discussed in class, complete with 1. slope, 2. confidence interval, 3. r^2, and 4. p-value.

When calculating confidence intervals, be precise (i.e., use the confint function), but be sure to report the confidence intervals, not the confidence limits.

When plotting the y predictions and prediction intervals, be sure to use a relevant range of X values.

Finally, give the predicted y-value and prediction interval at the requested x-value for each dataset

DataSet#1 - Relationship between quail density (X; quail/ha) and quail shot (Y; quail per hunter). What is the expected number of quail shot at 10 quail/ha?

DataSet#2 - Relationship between rainfall (X; cm) and duck body mass (Y; g). What is the expected duck body mass at 12 cm of rainfall?

DataSet#3 - Relationship between prey density (X; prey/ha) and number of farmers killed by tigers (Y; person/km2). What is the expected number of farmers killed by tigers at 20 prey/ha?

Truth - Just in case you are interested in how the data was created