Leaders Creating Leaders for Tomorrow

Harrison School of Pharmacy

Faculty and Staff Directory

Ashley Reid

Ashley Reid

Administrative Support Specialist II, CHS
Unit: Clinical Affairs and Outreach
Auburn University
Harrison School of Pharmacy
2155 Walker Building
Auburn, AL 36849
Email: arr0043@auburn.edu
Phone: 334-844-8810
Fax: 334-844-8983


  • B.S., Marketing - Auburn, 2002

Ashley Reid is an Administrative Support Specialist in Clinical Health Services. She originally joined the Harrison School of Pharmacy in April, 2016 as a pharmacy technician. She moved into her current role in April, 2018.

In her position, she is in charge of the Healthy Tigers Program, as well as monthly Lunch N Learns and wellness events throughout the year.

Reid received a B.S. in marketing from Auburn in 2002 and became a certified pharmacy technician in 2013. She is a native of Holly Pond, Alabama, but considers Auburn her home. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with friends at all Auburn sporting events and baking.

Last Updated: September 14, 2021