Join the next Auburn University Outreach Educational and Cultural Delegation to Cuba
*Note: Auburn Engagement with Cuba: A Roundtable Discussion. University Outreach hosted a roundtable discussion on Auburn University’s Engagement with Cuba on Friday, May 5th, 2017, from 8:30 am – 1:00 pm at the Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center. The roundtable, that included a continental breakfast and lunch, highlighted faculty interactions, past and upcoming activities and a discussion of future opportunities with the country. Those that have participated in a previous AU Delegation or lecture, are considering attending a future University Outreach Delegation, or those simply with an interest in Cuba, were invited to attend. See photos from the event.
As you know, the United States Government has raised our flag over the embassy in Cuba for the first time in 54 years. Having heard so much about Cuba, today many travelers want to experience the country and the saying 'this is Cuba.’. That's why you should join one of the next Auburn University Outreach delegations. You will experience various facets of Cuban life and culture all on one trip! Go now and ride in a classic car like the1956 Chevy, refurbished with a 1980s Russian engine before Uber arrives. See the exquisite colonial architecture with peeling paint before the inevitable facelifts and restoration. See people selling plantains and pineapples at roadside stands, and burros pulling carts along the road. During your visit, hear local speakers discuss opportunities in the largest, least-commercialized, and most exciting island in the Caribbean. Cuba's relative political isolation has prevented it from being overrun by tourists, and locals are sincerely friendly to those who do venture in.
In between your interactions with the people of Cuba and educational sessions, visit various universities, community centers, and landmarks and experience a tour of an authentic cigar factory - basically taking in "the real" Cuba. And yes, things are changing, but don't worry. There is opportunity for to experience Cuba while the country is still frozen in time. Learn what the re-establishment of U.S. - Cuba relations might mean for future educational, business and other collaborations. Now is a good is time for you to experience what makes Cuba an undeniably enticing destination.
Upcoming Delegation:
Plans are being formulated for the 2018 AU2CUBA delegations. Check back soon for dates.
To receive announcements and information about future delegations, of for more information email or call 334-844-5705.
Since the beginning of 2015, the Auburn University Office of the Vice President for University Outreach has hosted several Educational and Cultural trips to Cuba in partnership with Cuba Cultural Explorations Group headquartered out of Delray Beach, FL. These trips have created opportunities for University Outreach to explore collaborative educational opportunities and begin to develop relationships with educators and specialists at the University of Cienfuegos, University of Santa Clara, and University of Havana. Coordination of the trips is handled by the following professionals from the Office of Faculty Engagement, a division of the Auburn University Office of the Vice President for University Outreach, and Cuba Cultural Explorations Group:

Dr. Chippewa Thomas, the Director of the Office of Faculty Engagement; serves as Auburn’s lead liaison in the planning, development of trips and travels with groups to Cuba.

Dr. Ralph Elliott, the AU Outreach Consultant, serves as a liaison in the planning, development of trips and travels with groups to Cuba.

Ampa Manzella, Travel Manager with Cuba Cultural Explorations Group, serves as the Cuba Cultural Explorations liaison whose office processes travel registration, payments and visas, makes reservations for lodging and flights to and from Cuba. She also travels with groups to Cuba.
These are the professionals that delegates will have contact with throughout the process of registration, travel, and post-trip follow-up.
Last Updated: January 25, 2018