How to pay citations


Citations will be charged to their eBIll after 10 days or can be paid at the Parking Services Office.

Faculty & Staff

Citations can be paid at the Parking Services Office however, after 10 days the ticket will be deducted via payroll deduction.

Visitors & Vendors

Must be paid at the Parking Services Office.

To mail a check please address it accordingly:

  1. Make checks out to “Auburn University”

  2. Include the ticket number clearly written on the check

  3. Address to:
    Auburn University Parking Services
    330 Lem Morrison Drive
    Auburn, AL. 36849-5543

There is a payment drop box located outside the Parking Services Office on the second level of the South Quad Deck for after-hour payments. Please note: your payment will not be processed until the next business day. Envelopes with instructions for ticket payment are available at this location for your convenience.

How to Appeal a Citation

Students, faculty, and staff who receive a parking ticket and feel that it was issued in error, may appeal the ticket online via AU Access within ten (10) calendar days from the date the ticket was issued. Please note: Students, faculty, and staff who are unable to appeal online will have to come to the Parking Services Office to file the appeal.

The Appeal Board will make one of the following rulings: Approval, Denial, or Adjustment.

A decision of denial or adjustment does not remove the citation from the determination of a vehicle’s need to be towed or wheel-locked. An individual may only file three appeals between the first day of a Fall semester and the day before the first day of the next Fall semester.

The Board’s decision will be emailed to the appellant, and the decision is final however, the appellant retains the right to a second appeal. The second appeal must be submitted to the Parking Services Office in person within five business days from the date that the appeal decision was emailed to the appellant.

Before appealing a citation, please be aware the below reasons are not valid:

Students, Faculty and Staff Appeal Steps:

Non-AU Affiliates Appeal Steps:

  1. Come to the Parking Services Office

  2. Complete the Appeals Request Form

  3. You will receive an email letting you know your appeal date, time, and location. You may appear in person but are not required to do so.