Senate Steering Meeting

October 11, 2022 3:30 p.m. Via Zoom:

Members: Mark Carpenter (Chair), L. Octavia Tripp (Secretary), Dan Svyantek (Immediate Past-chair), Lisa Kensler (Chair-elect), Linda Gibson-Young (Secretary-elect), Vini Nathan (Interim Provost), Evelyn Hunter (Rules appointee), Robert Norton (Presidential appointee), Arianne Gaetano [sub for Danilea Werner] (Rules appointee), Robert Cochran (Presidential appointee).

Special Guests:  Karen Battye, Registrar. Karla McCormack, Kelli Shomaker, Vice President for Business & Finance/CFO. Jada Kohlmeier, chair, Senate Ad hoc committee on AU Professor rank. Melody Russell, chair, Senate DEI committee.


Steering Agenda (times are approximate)

  1. 3:30 Welcome Everyone
  2. Call to order
  3. Discussion/approval of Steering Minutes from September 13th Meeting.
  4. 3:35: Special Guests:
    1. 3:35: Karen Battye, Registrar, and Karla McCormack, HR. Calendar changes
    2. 3:45: Kelli Shomaker, VP Business & Finance/CFO
    3. 3:55: Jada Kohlmeier, AU Professor Rank
    4. 4:05: Melody Russell, Senate departmental DEI awards
  5. 4:15: Lisa Kensler, Guidelines for making promotion and tenure decisions when FMLA, Paid Parental Leave, and/or COVID-19 extensions are involved.
  6. 4:20: Update on the Hartfield/Stern Motion (pending action item).
  7. 4:25 Discussion, edit, and approval of Senate Agenda for 10/18/2022 at 3:30 pm
  8. 4:30 Unfinished or New Business


Mission: The Steering Committee acts on behalf of the AU Senate on matters requiring attention between meetings of that body and assists the chair of the Senate in setting the agenda for Senate meetings. In addition, it is concerned with the academic affairs of the University, with particular attention given to the need for developing and recommending policies under which these affairs are conducted. It works closely with other Senate committees to aid them in their assignments.