Auburn University
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
October 31, 2013
Submitted by Gisela Buschle-Diller
206 Samford Hall

Present: Dr. Larry Crowley, Chair; Dr. Patricia Duffy, Chair-Elect; Dr. Gisela Buschle-Diller, Secretary-Elect; Dr. William Sauser, Immediate Past-Chair; Dr. Larry Teeter, Steering Committee; Dr. Don Mulvaney, Steering Committee; Dr. Michael Baginski, Steering Committee; Dr. Laura Plexico, Steering Committee, Dr. Raj Chaudhury (Biggio Center)

1. Meeting convened by Dr. Crowley at 3:30 p.m.

2. Minutes from previous meeting approved with one correction: Bill Sauer was present, but is not listed.

3. Information items for the November Senate meeting:

a) Dr. Raj Chaudhury gave a draft report of the Biggio Center activities and the support the Center can provide. He will give a presentation at the November Senate meeting.

Questions were asked regarding testing and the availability of the Biggin Testing Center, proctoring in general and scheduling of proctored exams, especially during midterms and finals. Further questions were posed in regard to establishing new on-line courses and eLearning and the support faculty could get through the Center. Dr. Chaudhury showed a short video on the incubator classroom (Haley 2213) and the discussion centered on the opportunities of enhancing courses with active learning methodologies and how this type of teaching (flipped classroom) could be used for various types of courses and subject areas.
The slides of the presentation will be available on the website.

b) The presentation that will be given by Huron Consulting Group was not available in time for this meeting. Concerns were raised that the discussion could be extensive since faculty across campus is worried and wants to know what is going to happen. They will ask direct questions and will want clear answers. The Provost will not be present for the meeting, but the President will be there to answer any questions.

In case the meeting will last longer than usual due to the discussion with the Huron consultants, the Biggio Center report will be postponed to January. It is expected that Dr. Chaudhury will also get numerous questions and inquiries since many faculty members are not aware of the different services the Biggio Center has to offer.

4. Agenda items for November meeting:

5. Other items: Dr. Baginski mentioned that the campus could use better signs to identify buildings. While they are clearly visible in some areas of the campus, they are lacking in others.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 PM.