AU Senate
June 13, 2023
Via Zoom
Meeting called to order at 3:30 pm.

All senators in attendance must participate in the canvas quorum poll
(this is equivalent to the sign-in sheet during in-person meetings).
A quorum was established with 59 respondents voting.

Approval of minutes from May 16, 2023 
Minutes approved with no corrections.

Remarks and Announcements on University Matters

AU Senate Chair: Mark Carpenter

AU President: Christopher Roberts offered specific appreciation for this first year as president. Thank you to Ron Burgess and happy retirement as of June 30, 2023. Appreciation expressed for the Executive Committee.

AU Provost: Vini Nathan offered announcements 1- Board of Trustees reviewed and approved a new program – BS of Parks and Recreation Management (College of Forestry, Wildlife, and the Enviroment); 2- Dr. Chris Lepczyk will be the interim Director of the Honors College; 3-Appreciation for the Executive Committee.

Information Items

Lisa Kensler, Chair-Elect (Chair of 2023-2024 AU Senate) announced there will be an Orientation for Senators August 16, 3PM – 5PM (location TBD) and that Allison Batts will serve as Parliamentarian for 2023-2024.

Action Items

  1. Octavia Tripp turned the description of voting on Senate Committee Rotations/Replacement Nominees over to Linda Gibson-Young. 

Senate Committees nominees for new rotations and replacement of vacancies (pdf)
After this vote, all senate committee faculty positions will be filled.
The vote for Senate Nominees passed 58 yes, 3 abstained

  1. Todd Steury, Past-Chair of AU Senate (substitute senator for CFWE Dean), stood for the vote on Proposal to create NTTF Teaching Professorships. 

NTTF Teaching Professorships Proposal (pdf)
Todd Steury offered an amendment (#1) – Remove the sections in the document that call for an extra workload component.  (link to document with track changes) Striking these references will not preclude departments from allocating workload appropriate for the faculty member/department; Lisa Kensler seconded the motion
The first amendment passed 35 yes, 20 no, 8 abstain
Questions and comments shared
Todd Steury offered another amendment (#2) – Changing the timing of appointment from 9 months to “9 or 12 months”; Lisa Kensler seconded the motion.
The second amendment passed 46 yes, 8 no, 3 abstain
Questions and comments shared
Luca Guazzatto offered another amendment (#3) – The appointment could include one other workload component from service, outreach, research, or creative work; David Mixson seconded the motion. Todd Steury clarified that this change should apply to executive summary, section B which defines the position; and sections B, D, and G with verbiage about performance evaluations addressing all elements of assigned workload. Luca accepted this as a friendly amendment. Zach offered another friendly amendment - The appointment could include other components from service, outreach, research, and/or creative work; Luca accepted this as a friendly amendment.
The third amendment passed 43 yes, 9 no, 7 abstain
No further discussion
FINAL VOTE: 38 yes, 14 no, 4 abstain – The motion passed, with amendments.

No New Business
Mark Carpenter, Senate Chair, adjourned the meeting.