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Employment Overview
Employment Overview

Policy Manual

  1. Teacher Recruitment and Selection
    • It is the policy of the Daegu Gyeongbuk English Village (DGEV) to select for employment only persons of good character who have the skills and other qualifications necessary to fulfill job requirements.
    • It is the policy of the DGEV to select teachers on the basis of character, professional qualifications and critical job requirements.
    • Providing a safe learning environment for students is a primary consideration for employment. DGEV will base such decisions on all relevant information, qualifications and circumstances.
    • DGEV reserves the right to conduct criminal records and reference checks on all teachers hired. Contracts of employment or other notification of employment will be conditional pending receipt of criminal records and reference check information. All offers of employment may be withdrawn based on the criminal records and reference checks or upon a finding that the information provided by the applicant during the pre-employment process was inaccurate, incomplete or untruthful.
  2. Teacher/Teacher's Assistant Personnel Files
    • It is the policy of DGEV to develop and maintain complete and secure personnel files that accurately reflect the experience and service of each teacher and teacher's assistant.
    • The DGEV academic director will maintain a personnel file for each teacher. Its contents will be confidential and will be released only as required by law or after written waiver by the teacher.
    • A teacher may examine his or her own personnel file by appointment with an appropriate DGEV administrator. Materials obtained prior to the employment of the individual, including confidential placement papers may not be available to the teacher.
  3. Teacher/Teacher's Assistant Supervision and Evaluation
    • It is the policy of DGEV to provide appropriate supervision and evaluation as a basis for improving the knowledge and skills of the school staff that will advance student achievement. Effective supervision and regular evaluation provide constructive feedback on teaching methods and materials enabling professional educators to improve their abilities to help all students achieve at high levels. The DGEV administration will develop procedures for the supervision and evaluation of educators.
    • The DGEV academic director will ensure that all teachers will have support, including a mentoring system and regular supervision.
    • Administrators will use a variety of staff evaluation strategies based on current research that may include:
      • Pre and post classroom visitation conferences
      • Announced and unannounced classroom observations
      • Formative and summative evaluation reports
  4. Teacher Resignations/Termination
    • It is the policy of DGEV to consider teacher resignations in a manner that is timely and fair to both the employee and the DGEV.
    • A teacher may be terminated for, but not limited to, incompetence, immorality, non-compliance with DGEV regulations, frequent absences from work, criminal conviction, moral turpitude, neglect of teacher duties and responsibilities or other good and just cause.
    • The DGEV academic director shall notify a teacher in writing that s/he has been terminated or cannot be recommended for reappointment. A copy of this notification, which will include valid reasons why s/he is being terminated, will be provided to the teacher.
    • If a teacher is dismissed or resigns during the contract period, s/he must vacate from the DGEV and will be financially responsible for their transportation back to their home country and will be subject to applicable Korean employment laws.
  5. Harassment
    • DGEV is committed to providing all employees a safe and supportive work environment in which all members of the Village community are treated with respect. Harassment is a disrespectful behavior that will not be tolerated.
    • DGEV shall provide employees a work environment free of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct, or communications constituting harassment.
    • While not considered harassment per se, in an attempt to be culturally sensitive, public display of affection is prohibited.
    • Harassment: Harassment means unlawful harassment and constitutes a form of discrimination. It is verbal or physical conduct based on an employee's race, religion (creed), color, national origin, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, ancestry, place of birth or disability which has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an employee's work or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
    • Sexual Harassment: Is a form of sex discrimination and means unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
      • Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment; or
      • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a component of the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or
      • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.
  6. Tobacco Prohibition
    • It is the policy of DGEV to prohibit the use of tobacco in Village buildings. Smoking is permitted in designated areas only.
    • The DGEV administration will take reasonable steps to inform students and employees of this policy.
    • Students who violate this policy will be disciplined under the Village's disciplinary policy and procedures and tobacco products will be confiscated.
    • Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action in agreement with applicable employee policies and employment contracts.
    • Employees who smoke or use tobacco products in or around Village buildings, on Village property or in Village owned vehicles are in violation of this policy and will be subject to disciplinary action.
  7. Alcohol and Drugs
    • It is the policy of DGEV that no student or staff shall knowingly possess, use, sell, give or otherwise transmit, or be under the influence of any illegal drug, regulated substance, or alcohol on any Village property, or at any Village sponsored activity away from or within the Village.
    • Definitions
      • Alcohol and drug (substance) abuse is the ingestion of a substance in such a way that it interferes with a person's ability to perform physically, intellectually, emotionally or socially.
      • Drug means any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana or any other controlled substance.
    • Any student who is determined to have or used alcohol or a controlled substance while at the DGEV shall be expelled from the Village.
    • DGEV teachers or teacher's assistants may possess and consume alcohol within their designated living area outside the view of the students. Consumption of alcohol may not occur within eight hours of working with students.
    • Any employee who is determined to have misused alcohol (on the Village property) or used a controlled substance while employed by DGEV may have their contract terminated and be expelled from the Village.
  8. Weapons
    • Carrying, bringing, using or possessing any firearm, dangerous device or dangerous or deadly weapon in any location at DGEV is prohibited and grounds for disciplinary action.
    • This policy also includes DGEV-sponsored events whether held on or off of the Village grounds, as well as DGEV vehicles.
    • Any DGEV student, teacher or staff member, other than commissioned authorities (e.g., police), found to have brought a weapon to DGEV shall be immediately expelled from the Village.
    • An individual may be referred to a law enforcement agency to determine if any criminal charges may be applicable.
  9. Search and Seizure
    • It is the policy of DGEV to maintain Village property to assure the safety and enjoyment of students, Village employees and the general public.
    • To carry out this policy the Village retains the right to examine all its property and to carry out searches or to seize property under the guidelines provided in this policy.
    • Searches of a person's personal effects or vehicles may be conducted if there is reasonable cause to believe that such search will produce evidence of a breach of Village policy or law. Search of a person will be conducted by a Village employee of the same gender and in the presence of another Village employee.
    • Search and/or seizure by law enforcement officials on Village property may occur when a warrant or other legal basis exists authorizing such search and/or seizure.
  10. Safety and Security
    • It is the policy of DGEV to maintain a physical environment that is safe, clean and attractive. It is also the policy of the DGEV to maintain a safe, orderly, civil and positive learning environment, and to be prepared, in so far as possible, to prevent and respond to unexpected crises quickly and appropriately.
    • DGEV teachers and staff members will promptly report potentially hazardous conditions to a DGEV administrator.
    • A DGEV administrator will be responsible for seeing to it that qualified persons promptly correct any hazardous conditions that cannot be reasonably corrected by DGEV teachers and staff members.
  11. Teacher/Teacher's Assistant Dress Code
    • It is the policy of DGEV that the teachers and teacher's assistants will dress as expected for a professional educator. While there may be times that formal dress will be required (e.g., during diplomatic visitations), a more casual, but professional dress code will be in place.
    • There are specific dress requirements at the Village. Teachers and teacher's assistants can dress casually away from the Village. No piercing's (except for the typical earrings) and noticeable tattoos are allowed.
    • Women: The female teachers and teacher's assistants need to wear dresses, blouses, skirts or dress pants; no jeans (unless designated administratively for specific circumstances). Shoulders should be covered: sleeveless shirts, very thin straps or tank tops are not acceptable. No low-cut necklines or very short skirts. Bare midriffs must not be visible at any time. No inappropriately sheer or tight clothing. Open toed shoes are acceptable (closed shoes, however, are preferred). No sandals, sneakers or flip-flops should be worn while in an instructional environment. No sunglasses and/or hats (inside the buildings). This dress code includes any other similarly inappropriate clothing, accessory, body adornment or inappropriate grooming or hygiene.
    • Men: The male teachers and teacher's assistants need to wear long pants (slacks); no jeans (unless designated administratively for specific circumstances). Short or long sleeved shirts with a collar must be worn; a tie is not required. No inappropriately sheer or tight clothing. No sandals, sneakers or flip-flops should be worn while in an instructional environment. No sunglasses and/or hats (inside the buildings). Long hair should be neatly tied back into a ponytail. Neatly groomed facial hair is acceptable. This dress code includes any other similarly inappropriate clothing, accessory, body adornment or inappropriate grooming or hygiene.
    • During times that students, parents and other visitors are not in attendance at the Village (e.g., holiday breaks), casual clothes such as jeans, sneakers, shorts and t-shirts can be worn as long as they are neat and clean.
    • DGEV administration are delegated the authority and bear the responsibility for ensuring compliance with this policy and are expected to counsel and/or discipline employees whom they supervise on professional appearance in conformance with this policy.
  12. Physical Injuries to Staff or Students
    • It is the policy of DGEV to provide a work environment free from recognized hazards. Everyone is expected to comply with all safety and health requirements.
    • Employees who become ill on the job or suffer any work-connected injury, no matter how minor, are to report the occurrence to their supervisor.
    • When a student is injured, any employee who viewed the accident is responsible for notifying the proper DGEV staff member.
  13. Student Conduct and Discipline
    • It is the policy of DGEV to maintain a safe, orderly, civil and positive learning environment. In order to ensure that the school is free from hazing, harassment, bullying and other disruptive misconduct, a system of classroom and school management practices, supported by consistent, clear and fair disciplinary procedures, will be utilized. The goal of this policy is to create an environment where the rules for student behavior are clearly stated, are understood and accepted by students and staff.
    • Student Responsibilities: It is the responsibility of each student to contribute to a safe and productive learning environment in the school by demonstrating respect and consideration for fellow students and adults.
    • Teacher Responsibilities: Due to the teachers' lack of knowledge of the students' mother tongue and culture, the DGEV teacher should ask for help in disciplining a student. In an unlikely case of a student disrespecting a teacher, the student will be warned with possible dismissal from the classroom and/or the Village upon further infractions.
    • The DGEV administration will provide support to the teachers and teacher's assistants in the disciplining of a student.
    • No DGEV administrator, teacher, teacher's assistants or other person employed at the Village shall subject a student to corporal punishment. Corporal punishment is defined as "the infliction of physical pain upon a person's body as punishment for an infraction."
  14. Selection of Instructional Materials
    • It is the policy of DGEV to provide students with a broad variety of instructional materials to support student learning.
    • Expression of personal beliefs and teaching of subject matters within the instructional environment that is not part of the DGEV curriculum is prohibited.
    • Books and instructional materials will be selected to provide for the interest and needs of DGEV. These books and materials may be selected cooperatively.
    • Books and instructional materials will be viewed by members of the DGEV staff and administration to assure their timeliness and continued appropriateness.
  15. Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources
    • It is the policy of DGEV to use electronic resources, including the Internet, to support and enrich the curriculum.
    • The Village supports access to rich information resources by students and staff as well as the development of staff instructional skills to analyze, evaluate and incorporate electronic resources within the curriculum.
    • The Village promotes the safe, ethical, responsible and legal use of electronic resources, including the Internet, to support the effective use of these resources for educational purposes.
    • Access to DGEV electronic resources, including the Internet, will be available to students and staff who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner and abide by the requirements of this policy.
    • DGEV staff members are responsible for assuring that students are instructed and supervised in a manner that is appropriate to the age of the students and circumstances regarding the safe, ethical, legal and responsible use of electronic resources, including the Internet.
    • Student electronic records are confidential and should be treated like all other student records.
    • DGEV staff may access the Village's electronic resources for limited personal use. Limited personal use of the Village's electronic resources, including the Internet, shall be allowed if the use:
      • Imposes no tangible cost to DGEV.
      • Does not unduly burden DGEV's electronic resources.
      • Occurs during non-instructional time and does not impede other student or staff access for educational purposes.
      • Does not violate this policy.
    • Users will respect the rights of copyright owners and will not plagiarize works they find on the Village electronic network, including the Internet, by presenting them as their own.
    • Users should not expect that any files and records of their online activity created on the Village's system are private.
    • DGEV students and staff may not access materials for any purpose that the Village deems to be potentially harmful, inappropriate and illegal.
    • Violation of this policy and the procedures developed in accordance with this policy may result in disciplinary action or referral to law enforcement officials.
  16. Student Records
    • DGEV recognizes the importance of keeping accurate and appropriate education records for students as part of a sound educational program and is committed to act as trustee of this information, maintaining these records for educational purposes to serve the best interests of its students.
  17. Student Medication
    • It is the policy of DGEV to have procedures in place to assure that medication required by students while at the Village will be administered and maintained in a safe manner as directed by the student's parent, guardian or health care provider.
    • The DGEV administration shall provide an opportunity for communication with the student, parent or guardian and health care provider regarding the effectiveness of the medication administered at the Village.
  18. DGEV Community Relations
    • It is the policy of DGEV to provide the involvement of the community in the Village.
    • An effective community outreach program is a necessary component of the Village's organization and operation.
    • The DGEV's community outreach program should:
      • Create opportunities for Village involvement through volunteerism, business/organizational partnerships, sponsorships, internships and other joint projects.
      • Use a variety of media including but not limited to meetings, letters and e-mail, circulars, web sites, seminars, publications, communications media and personal contacts.
  19. Parental Involvement
    • It is the policy of DGEV to provide opportunities for involvement of parents in their children's education.
    • The Village believes it is important that parents are involved in their child's education at home, in school and within the larger community.
    • The DGEV shall develop and implement programs and procedures to accomplish the following objectives:
      • Parents should be informed about the Village's educational programs, instructional methods and objectives.
      • Parents should be provided with opportunities to become informed about DGEV program design, operation and evaluation, and to communicate with educators on these subjects.
      • Parents may attend program meetings at designated times, discuss concerns with the DGEV teachers and administration, participate in program evaluation and improvement efforts, and give recommendations to the Village staff and administration.
      • Parents should be provided with information and opportunities intended to improve their abilities to work with their children at home and in the Village, and to build partnerships between home and DGEV.
  20. DGEV Dormitory Regulations

    Living and working in a community requires individuals to show each other mutual respect and consideration. In the case of the DGEV dormitories, at the very least, need to be able to sleep in comfort. All teachers and teacher's assistants have a right to privacy. Persistent rooming disagreements should be discussed with the appropriate supervisor.

    • Dormitory occupants should use sound systems, musical instruments, televisions, etc. with consideration for the rights of others. Inconsiderate noise should be reported to the appropriate supervisor.
    • Most firecrackers and fireworks are illegal in Korea. Dormitory occupants may not store any fireworks in a dormitory room, and their use is prohibited anywhere in the Village.
    • Guns, ammunition, air rifles, paintball and pellet guns, BB guns, Tasers, knives and other weapons are absolutely prohibited in the Village.
    • Dormitory occupants are not permitted to keep pets in their dormitory rooms. The appropriate supervisor has the authority to remove any animals found in the dormitories.
    • Throwing objects of any kind from windows is forbidden.
    • Teachers' and teacher's assistants' guests and visitors are allowed in the dorm rooms. Guests and visitors must check in with the appropriate supervisor. Guest and visitors are not allowed to stay overnight in the Village unless there is a legally recognized relationship between the teacher and the guest AND they will be sleeping in the teachers' room. There is still a limit on overnight stays regardless (two-week maximum per guest per year). "Legally recognized" only includes spouse and/or children. We do not place limitations on the gender of a spouse as long as the marriage has been legally recognized.
    • Dormitory occupants may not trespass in areas that are locked. Dormitory occupants should never open such locked areas except when requested by the appropriate supervisor.
    • Smoking and cooking are forbidden in dormitory rooms, including balconies.
    • Notices and postings may be put up on bulletin boards only, and must be approved by the appropriate supervisor. Dormitory occupants are prohibited from attaching notices or posters to doors, walls, etc. The appropriate supervisor will remove such postings.
    • DGEV is not responsible for loss of, or damage to, any personal belongings, regardless of the cause of the loss or damage. All lost and found items of value, including wallets and cash, should be reported immediately to the appropriate supervisor.
    • It is crucial that all fires be reported to the appropriate supervisor. In the interest of safety, inspection of a teacher's dormitory room may occur. Prior notice will be given. The DGEV reserves the right to enter and to inspect any teacher's assistant's or student's room without prior notice.
    • Teachers and teacher's assistants are responsible for the care of their rooms and are expected to keep them in reasonable condition. At the end of the academic year, each teacher and teacher's assistant must complete an inventory checklist of his or her room. Each teacher and teacher's assistant must complete a sign-out form upon leaving.
    • Teachers or teacher's assistants responsible for damage to their rooms or to other property will be charged for the cost of repairs.
    • Teachers or teacher's assistants who damage furniture or furnishings will be charged for repairs.
    • The painting or defacing of walls or woodwork in the bedrooms or common rooms is prohibited.
    • No items of any kind may be stored or chained in the entryways, hallways, or corridors of any dormitory. Vehicles left in entryways may be removed without notice and stored at the owner's expense.
    • While the safety of members of the community and the protection of DGEV and personal property are a common concern of all members of the Yeungjin University community, each teacher and teacher's assistant is responsible for his or her own safety.
    • DGEV particularly requests the cooperation of students in maintaining the security of the dormitories. Teachers and teacher's assistants should keep their own doors and entryways locked and their windows secured. They should report to the appropriate supervisor any activity or the presence of any person that they think might constitute a threat to security.
Last Updated: March 21, 2022