/*-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Name: SCATTER.SAS * * Title: Construct a scatterplot matrix - all pairwise plots * * for n variables. * * Doc: http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/sasmac/scatter.html * * * * %scatter(data=, var=, group=); * *-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Author: Michael Friendly * * Created: 23 Oct 1996 * * Revised: 1 Oct 1997 12:00:16 * * Version: 1.1 * *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ %macro scatter(data=_LAST_, var=_NUMERIC_, /* variables to plot */ class=, /* name of class/group variable */ group=, /* name of class/group variable */ where=, /* where clause to select observations */ id=, symbols = square plus circle diamond X up down star, colors = BLACK RED GREEN BLUE BROWN YELLOW ORANGE PURPLE, out=_paint_ ); %if %sysprod(insight) ^= 1 %then %do; %put This program requires SAS/INSIGHT; %goto done; %end; %if &sysenv = BACK %then %do; %put This program does not run in batch; %goto done; %end; %if &group=%str() %then %if &class ^= %str() %then %let group = &class; *-- Parse variables list; data _null_; set &data (obs=1); if upcase(symget('data')) eq '_LAST_' then call symput('data', symget('syslast')); call symput('abort', put(_error_ ne 0, 1.)); %if %index(&var,-) > 0 or %upcase(&var)=_NUMERIC_ %then %do; * find the number of variables in the list and convert shorthand variable list to long form; length _vname_ $ 8 _vlist_ $ 200; array _xx_ &var; _vname_ = ' '; do over _xx_; call vname(_xx_,_vname_); if _vname_ ne "&group" then do; nvar + 1; if nvar = 1 then startpt = 1; else startpt = length(_vlist_) + 2; endpt = length(_vname_); substr(_vlist_,startpt,endpt) = _vname_; end; end; call symput( 'VAR', _vlist_ ); put nvar=; %end; %else %do; * find the number of variables in the list; nvar = n(of &var) + nmiss(of &var); %end; call symput('NVAR',trim(left(put(nvar,2.)))); RUN; %put nvar= &nvar; %if &nvar < 2 or &nvar > 15 %then %do; %put Cannot do a scatterplot matrix for &nvar variables ; %goto DONE; %end; %if &group ^= %str() %then %do; %put Assigning color/symbol codes for &group variable... results in &out; %paint(data=&data, out=&out, var=&group,level=nominal, colors=&colors, symbols=&symbols); %let data=&out; %end; proc insight data=&data %if %length(&where) %then %do; (where = (&where)) %end;; scatter &var * &var %if &id ^= %str() %then %do; / label=&id; %end;; run; %done:; %mend;