Assignment #3 - 2020


For each of the following five experiments, analyze the data in R using regression (the lm function). Then, as we have done in previous labs, write a sentence describing your results as it might appear in a published scientific article. Be sure to include the estimate of the slope, r^2, and p-value. State what assumptions of regression, if any, have been violated by the data. Finally, make a graph that demonstrates why you believe that particular assumption has been violated.


DataSet #1 - Relationship between prey density (X; prey/ha) and predation rate (Y; prey killed per predator per day)

DataSet #2 - Relationship between tree basal area (Y; m2) and stand age (X; years)

DataSet #3 - Relationship between prey density (prey/hectare; Y) and predator density (predators/hectare; X)

DataSet #4 - Relationship between road density (X; roads/km2) and probability of habitat use by wolves (Y; %)

DataSet #5 - Relationship between prey density (X; prey/hectare) and litter size in coyotes (pups; Y). Note that the continuous Y assumption has been violated. But what OTHER assumption has been violated?
