Assignment #1 - 2020


For each of the following three experiments, analyze the data in R using regression (the lm function), and answer the following questions in a Microsoft Word document:


1.      What is the scientific hypothesis in this experiment?

2.      What is the estimated slope from the regression analysis?

3.   What is the estimated standard deviation in the error?


Experiment 1 - This is one of the experiments described in class, where we are interested in the relationship between canopy biomass (kg/hectare; X) and understory biomass (kg/hectare; Y) (Data#1)


Experiment 2 - This is another experiment described in class, where we are interested in the relationship between rainfall (cm; X) and understory plant biomass (kg/hectare; Y) (Data#2)


Experiment 3 - This is a study in which we are interested in the relationship between prey density (prey/hectare; Y) and predator density (predators/hectare; X) (Data#3). Careful with which variable is X and which variable is Y.


Note that you can see how the data was created here: Truth