Concepts of Science - Syllabus


Part 1 Structure

Chapter 1 Measurement in Science
A.Scientific notation for very large and very small numbers
B.Units of measurement. The metric system
C. Mathematical Formulas in Science
D.Graphical representation of data
E. Data collection

Chapter 2 The structure of the solar system
A. Two Competing Theories: Geocentric vs Heliocentric
B. Early measurements of the Greeks
C. The Ptolemaic system
D.The Impact of Copernicus
E.Galileo and the Scientific Method
F.Kepler's laws
G.Newton and the Law of Universal Gravitation
H. Chaotic Systems

Chapter 3 Atomic Structure

Atomic structure
The Concept of Atoms
Atomic Weights
Building Blocks of the Atom
The Bohr Model of the Atom
Quantum Mechanics and the Uncertainty Principle
Atomic Number and Atomic Mass
The Elementary Particles
The Importance of Models in Science
The Periodic Table

Chapter 4 Molecular Structure
A.Chemical bonding
Ionic and Covalent Bonding
Bond Length and Bond Energy
Drawing Structures
Hydrogen Bonding
B. Writing Molecular Formulas and Equations
1. Molecular Weights
2. Balancing Chemical Equations
3.The mole concept
4. Simple Stoichiometry Problems
C. Molecular Geometries
1. Bond Length and Bond Angle
D. Common Crystalline Solids
E. Linking Molecules Together - Polymers
1. Common Synthetic Polymers
a. Polyethylene, Teflon and Nylon
2. Biological Polymers
a. Proteins
b. Nucleic Acids
1. Structure
(a) Base Paring
c. The Genetic Code
2. Nucleic Acid Synthesis
3. Protein Synthesis
4. DNA Fingerprinting
d. Complex Carbohydrates: Energy Storing Polymers
F.Lipids as examples of macromolecules
G. Viruses
1. The Aids Virus
G.Cellular Structure

Part 2 Energy

Chapter 5 Working with Energy
A. The Laws of Thermodynamics
1. The Conservation of Energy
2. The Concept of Entropy
B. Measuring Mechanical Energy
1. Kinetic and Potential Energy
C. Heat Energy and the States of Matter
1. Changes in State
2. Phase diagrams - Water
D. Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions
1. Heat of Reaction in Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
2. Heat of Combustion and Energy Content of Fuels
E. Energy Interconversion and its Relationship to Global Energy Problems

Chapter 6 The Nature of Light
A.Relationship between Color (Wavelength), Frequency and Energy of Light
1.The Electromagnetic Spectrum
B. Evidence for the Wave Nature of Light
C. The Particle Nature of Light
D. Lasers
E. Electromagnetic Radiation and the Ecology of the Earth
1.The global Carbon Cycle
a. Global Warming, CO2, and the Greenhouse Effect
2.The Photochemistry of Chlorofluorocarbons and the Destruction of the Ozone Layer
3. Good and Bad Ozone
a. Acid Rain
b. The Concept of pH
F. Conversion of Sunlight to Electricity Using Solar Cells
G. Light and the Special Theory of Relativity

Chapter 7 Nuclear Energy
A. Nuclear reactions
1. Fission
2. Fusion
B. Nuclear Power and Public Safety
1. Nuclear Waste
2. Nuclear Accidents - the Legacy of Chernobyl and Three Mile Island

Chapter 8 Energy in Living Systems
A. Photosynthesis
B. Metabolism
C. Energy and Quality of Life

Part 3 The Interaction of Structure and Energy over Time

Chapter 9 Cosmology
A. The Origin and Evolution of the Universe
1. The Age of the Universe
2. Stellar Evolution and the "Stuff of Life"
3. The Ultimate Fate of the Universe

Chapter 10 Geologic Time
A. The Geological History of the Earth
B. Dating Various Geological and Evolutionary Events
1. Radioactive Decay and the Concept of Half-life
2. The Dating of Rocks or Geologic Events
3. The Carbon-14 Method of Dating
4. Other Methods of Dating

Chapter 12 The Evolution of living Organisms
A. The Origin of Life
B. Natural Selection and the Origin of Species
1. The Contributions of Darwin and Wallace
a. The Voyage of the Beagle
b. The Origin of Species
2 The Influence of Malthus and Lyell
3. Factors Effecting Genetic Diversity
4. Examples of Natural Selection
5. Biological Adaptation
6. The Origin of New Species
7. Fossils and Evolution of Life
8. Gradualism Versus Punctuated Equilibrium in Speciation
9. Mass Extinctions
10. Evolution and Molecular Genetics
a. The Emergence of Modern Humans
K. Science, Evolution, and "Creation Science"

Chapter 13 Genetics: Patterns of Inheritance
A. The Contributions of Gregor Mendel
1. Mendel's Experiments
2. Mendel Reports His Work
3. Applying Mendel's Principles
a. Monohybrid Crosses
b. Dihybrid Crosses
B. Genetics and Probability
C. Incomplete Dominance
D. Sex Determination
1. Sex-linked Inheritance
2. Mary Lyon and the X-Chromosome Pairs in Females
3. Sex Influenced Traits
E. Multiple Allele Inheritance and Blood Types
1. Rh Factor
F. Polygenic Inheritance (Multiple Factor Inheritance)
G. Effects of Environment on Gene Expression
H. Genetic Engineering and the Relationship between Technology, Ethics and the Law

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