CH 504/CH 628


Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling

Policy Statement:

Your grade in this course will be based on a mid-term exam (30%), a final exam (35%) and homework assignments (35%). Both of the exams will have substantial "take home" portions. Part of the homework will consist of a quarter long project in which each student picks a chemical problem to investigate computationally, carries out a number of calculations and reports the results in the form of a paper written in the style of an ACS journal.

Each student must have an e-mail address and an account on the University Mallard Computer. We shall give each student an account on the Chemistry Department SGI computer and the Alabama Super Computer. You will be required to submit some homework answers to me by e-mail and I shall communicate with you by e-mail.
Class attendance is extremely important. Since there is no textbook for this course, class notes are extremely important. You will be responsible for all material covered in class. I have placed a number of books on reserve in the library. These will be used to complement the lectures. I would like to conduct the class in a highly informal manner. You are encouraged to ask questions and participate in class discussions. Questions by e-mail are also welcome. This course will be taught assuming that students have a basic understanding of the following topics: Thermodynamics, Kinetics, Organic Nomenclature, Organic Reactions, Spectroscopy and Stereochemistry. This knowledge need not be any deeper than is required to master undergraduate courses covering the above topics.
As stated in the Tiger Cub, students are expected to complete their work with honesty and integrity. You may discuss homework and take home tests with others in general terms. You may not obtain specific answers from others or work with others to obtain these answers.


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