Reading Exercises


General Instructions for Reading Exercises

  For most of your reading exercises, I am asking you to use a “What? Why? So what?” heuristic.  Begin by choosing a brief passage from the assigned reading.  Choose no more than five lines; your selection may be only a line or two.  Select a passage that seems particularly striking to you.  Perhaps it seems central to a theme, perhaps the language seems compelling, or perhaps you are puzzled and confused by the passage.  You are not working with a strict formula here, so your choices are broad indeed. 

  1. Once you have selected the passage, copy it onto your page. The passage itself is the “what.”
  2.  Now consider your chosen lines as authorial choices.  Why did the author make these choices?
  3. So what?  What difference do these choices make to your understanding of the text.


Reading Exercise 1 (in class R 8/22)

  Select a brief passage from Gilgamesh.  Remember the passage is the “what.”  Now explain why you think the author(s) of Gilgamesh chose these particular words and/or images.  Consider lexical meaning of the words, but consider associations and sound as well.  Finally, so what?  How do these meanings, associations, sounds, etc. affect the meaning you make?  Use the exercise we worked through in class as a model.  Keep in mind that I am not interested in your discovering a “right answer.” I am interested in seeing you actively engage the text.  I want to see evidence of your reading and interpreting skills.


