Study Questions for Gilgamesh


Part 1

1) What do we learn about Gilgamesh from the Prologue? (What are his attributes and accomplishments?)

2) Why aren't the (common) people of Uruk happy with Gilgamesh? Who comes to their aid?

3) Who is Enkidu? Why was he created?

4) What happens to Enkidu as a result of his liason with the harlot?

5) Compare and contrast Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

6) What are the functions of the two dreams that Gilgamesh has in Part 1?

7) At the end of Part 1, Gilgamesh defeats Enkidu. Why, according to Enkidu, was he victorious?

Part 2

1) On p. 17, Gilgamesh has another dream. What is Enkidu's interpretation of it? What are the ideological implications of this interpretation?

2) Why does Gilgamesh determine to seek out Humbaba and kill him?

3) Enkidu warns Gilgamesh that Humbaba is powerful and dangerous. What is Gilgamesh's response? What does this response tell us about Gilgamesh at this point in the story?

4) Who aids Gilgamesh and Enkidu in their fight against Humbaba?

5) Who is enraged as a result of the death of Humbaba?

Part 3

1) Why does Gilgamesh refuse Ishtar's offer of marriage?

2) What happens as a result of his refusal?

3) What is the significance of Enkidu's dream following his and Gilgamesh's victory over the Bull of Heaven (p. 27)?

4) How does Enkidu's death affect Gilgamesh?

Part 4

1) Why does Gilgamesh journey to the garden of the gods?

2) Who is Siduri? What advice does she give to Gilgamesh?

3) Who is Utnapishtim? Why does Gilgamesh seek him out?

4) What is Utnapishtim's response to Gilgamesh's question about everlasting life?

Part 5

1) Why, according to Utnapishtim, did the gods decide to exterminate humankind?

2) Compare/contrast the story of Utnaphishtim to that of Noah in your Genesis readings.

Part 6

1) What "tests" does Gilgamesh undergo to attain immortality? Is he successful?

Part 7

1) What, ultimately, happens to Gilgamesh?

2) What is the main thematic function of Part 7?
