NAME Virginia E. (Fisher) O'Leary
DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH July 3, 1943, Washington, D.C.
CHILDREN  Sean Morgan O'Leary, born, May 16, 1972
MAILING ADDRESS  Department of Psychology
  Auburn University
  Auburn University, AL 36849-5214
  (334)844-4447 (fax)


Chatham College, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania B.A. 1965
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan  M.A.    1967
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan Ph.D. 1969

Institute for Educational Management, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

  Professor, Department of Psychology, Auburn University 2000­
  Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology,
Auburn University
  Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology,
Indiana State University
  Senior Research Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Behavioral Medicine  1989-1990
  Visiting Scholar, Project on Interdependence and the Murray Center, Radcliffe College 1987-1989
  Visiting Associate Professor, Boston University 1986-1987
  Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Psychology,
George Washington University 
  President, Virginia E. O'Leary and Associates, Inc. 1984-1985
  Deputy Executive Officer for Public Affairs,
American Psychological Association
  Administrative Officer for Social and Ethical Responsibility,
American Psychological Association
  Associate Professor, Department of Psychology,
Oakland University 
  Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology,
Oakland University 
  Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology,
Wayne State University 
  Senior Research Associate, Center for Urban Studies,
Wayne State University
  Mortar Board American Psychological Association, Fellow, Divisions 35, 9, 45 and 46, Member, 8, and 14 American Psychological Society (Fellow) Midwestern Psychological Association for Women in Psychology Society for Experimental Social Psychology Eastern Psychological Association Sigma Xi The Academy of Management AAUP  



Outstanding Young Woman in America, 1976. Association for Women in Psychology Distinguished Publication Award, 1978. Association for Women in Psychology Distinguished Publication Award, 1985. APA, Committee on Women in Psychology, Leadership Citation Award, 1990, Fulbright Lecture/Research Grant to Nepal, 2004-2005; Auburn University Presidential Award of Excellence, 2004.




Loiselle, R. H., Fisher, V. E., & Hammerstein. P. (1964). Some effects of chlorpromazine and amphetamine upon the acquisition of an avoidance-escape response in the albino rat. Psychiatric Communications, 6, 23-26.


Loiselle, R. H., O'Leary, V. E., & Parrish, K. (1968). A comparison of the stimulus value of Rorschach Inkblots and their percept as perceived by children and schizophrenics. Journal of 'Projective Techniques crud Personality Assessment, 32, 237-245.


O'Leary, V. E. & Hood. R. W. (1969). Latitudes of acceptance, rejection and non-commitment and attitudes toward self: A factor analytic study. Journal of ,Social Psychology, 79(2), 283-284.


O'Leary, V. E. (1972). The Hawthorne effect in reverse: Trainee orientation for the hard-core unemployed woman. Journal of Applied Psychology, 56(6), 491-494.


O'Leary, V. E. & Braun, J. S. (1972). Antecedents and personality correlates of academic careerism in women. Proceedings of the American Psychological Association.


O'Leary, V. E. (1974). Some attitudinal barriers to occupational aspirations in women: A review of the literature on women in management. Psychological Bulletin, 8I(11), 809-826.


A. G. Kaplan & J. P. Bean (Eds.). (1976). Reprinted in Beyond sex-role stereotypes: Readings in the psychology of androgyny. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 319-337.


A. K. Missirian (Ed.). (1981). Reprinted in The case of the corporate woman. New York: Prentice-Hall.


O'Leary, V. E. & Depner, C. E. (1975). College males' and females': Changing sex role stereotypes. Journal of Social Psychology, 95, 139-140.


O'Leary, V. E. & Hammack, B. (1975). Sex-role orientation and achievement context as determinants of the motive to avoid success. Sex Roles: A .Journal of Research. 1(3), 225-234.


O'Leary, V. E. & Depner, C. E. (1976). Alternative gender roles among women: Masculine, feminine, androgenous. Intellect, 10=1(2371), 313-315.


Depner, C. E. & O'Leary, V. E. (1976). Understanding female careerism: Fear of success and new directions. .Sex Roles, 2(3), 256-268.


O'Leary, V. E. (1978). Review of Half the Human Experience by J. S. Hyde and B. G. Rosenberg, Sex Roles,-1(3), 464-465.


O'Leary, V. E. & Donoghue, J. M. (1978). Latitudes of masculinity: Reactions to sex-role deviance in men. Journal of Social Issues, 3=l(1), 17-28.


Kahn. A. E., O'Leary, V. E., Kruelewitz, J. E., and Lamm, H. (1980). Equity and equality: Male and female means to a just end. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 1,(2). 173-197.


O'Leary, V. E. (Ed.). (1981). Feminist research: Problems and prospects. A feminist perspective. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 5(4), 595-653.


Wallston, B. S. & O'Leary, V. E. (1981). Sex makes a difference: The differential perceptions of women and men. In L. Wheeler (Ed.), Review of personality and .social psychology, Volume 2, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.


Hansen, R. D. & O'Leary, V. E. (1983). Actresses and actors: The effects of sex on causal attributions. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 4(3), 209-230.


O'Leary, V. E. & Hansen, R. D. (1983). Performance evaluation: A social psychological perspective. In F. Landy, S. Zedeck, & J. Cleveland (Eds.), Performance measurement. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.


Hansen, R. D., Ronis, D. L., & O'Leary, V. E. (1983). The stability of meaning: A test of the validity of Weiner's taxonomy. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44(4), 702-711.


Hansen. R. D. & O'Leary, V. E. (1985). Sex-determined attributions. In V. E. O'Leary, R. K. Unger, & B. S. Wallston (Eds.), Women, gender and social psychology. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.


O'Leary, V. E. & Hansen, R. D. (1985). Sex as an attributional fact. In T. Sonderegger (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Lincoln, N.E: University of Nebraska Press.


O'Leary. V. E. (1988). Women's relationships with women in the workplace. In B. A. Gutek, L. Larwood, & A. H. Stromberg (Eds.), Women and Work: An Annual Review, Volume 111, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.


Primack, R. B. & O'Leary, V. E. (1988). Ph.D. recipients in psychology and biology: A comment. The American Psychologist.


O'Leary, V. E. (1989). Ambition and leadership. In A. Campbell (Ed.), The Opposite Sex. London: Ebury Press.


O'Leary, V. E. (1989). Sex makes a difference: The perception of women versus men. Boston Bar Journal. Boston: Boston Bar Association.


Primack, R. B. & O'Leary, V. E. (1989). Research productivity of men and women ecologists: A longitudinal study of former graduate students. The Ecological Society of America Bulletin, 79(1), 7-12.


O'Leary, V. E. (1990, June). Women: Bosses from heaven or hell? Radcliffe Quarterly.


O'Leary, V. E. & Ickovics, J. R. (1990). Women supporting women: Secretaries and their bosses. In H. Y. Grossman and N. L. Chester (Eds.). The experience and meaning of work in women's lives. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 35-56.


O'Leary, V. E. & Mitchell, J. (1990). The politics of mentoring. In S. Lie and V. E. O'Leary (Eds.). Storming the tower: Academic women around the world. London: Kogan-Page.


O'Leary, V. E. & Ickovics, J. R. (1991). Cracking the glass ceiling: Eliminating stereotyping and isolation. In U. Sekaran & F. Leong (Eds.). Womanpower: Managing in times of demographic turbulence. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.


O'Leary, V. E. & Johnson, J. L. (1991). Steep ladder: Lonely climb. Women in Management: Review and Abstracts, 6(5).


Primack. R. B. & O'Leary, V. E. (1993). Cumulative disadvantages in the careers of women ecologists. Bio Science, -X3(3).


O'Leary, V. E. & Ryan, M. M. (1994). Women Bosses: Changing the counts, counting the changes. In M. Tanton, Women in management: A developing presence. London: Routledge.


O'Leary, V. E. & Ickovics, J. R. (1995). Resilience and thriving in response to challenge: An opportunity for a paradigm shift in women's health. Women's Health: Research on Gender, Behavior, and Policy, 1 (2), 121-142.


O'Leary, V. E., Alday, C. S. & Ickovics, J. R. (1997). Models of life change and post­traumatic growth. In R. Tedeschi. C. Parks, and L. Calhoun (Eds.), Post­traumatic growth: Theory and research on change in the aftermath of crisis. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum and Associates.


O'Leary, V. E. (1998). Strength in the face of adversity: Individual and social resilience. In Ickovics, J. R. and Parks, C. (Eds.). Journal of Social Issues, 5-l(2), 425-445.


O'Leary. V. E. & Flanagan, E. H. (2001). Leadership. In J.Worell (Ed.), Encyclopedia of gender, volume two. San Diego, CA.: Academic Press, 256-257.


O'Leary, V. E. (2002). Almost a convert. In E. Altmaier (Ed.), History of Accreditation in Psychology, Washington, DC: APA Press.


O'Leary, V.E. & Bhaju, J. (In Press). Resilience and empowerment. In J.Worell and C. Goodheart (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Women and Girl's Health.  San Diego, CA.: Academic Press.


 O'Leary, V. E. (1977). Toward understanding women. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole. "Lesbianism" (1978) pp. 166-174 reprinted in K. Kowalski (Ed.), Women's health care, Nursing dimensions, 7 (11) 78-82.

 O'Leary, V. E., Unger, R. K., & Wallston, B. S. (Eds.). (1985). Women gender and social psychology. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

 Lie. S. & O'Leary, V. E. (Eds.). (1990). .Storming the tower: Women in the academic world London: Kogan-Page.

 Lewis, P., Beal. S., Facteau, J., Smith. W.G., O'Leary, V., Burkhart, B., Weathers, F., & Vuchinich, R. (2000). Readings in psychology and culture. New York: McGraw­Hill.

 Lewis, P., Burkhart, B., O'Leary, V.. Weathers, F., Smith, W.G., and Facteau, J. (2000). Psychology and culture. New York: McGraw-Hill.




O'Leary, V. E. (1967). A technique for assessment of social reinforcement standards: Construct validation. Unpublished master's thesis, Wayne State University.


O'Leary, V. E. (1969). The work acculturation of 98 black women into the labor force: Trainee and supervisory orientation. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Wayne State University.


O'Leary, V. E. (1974, April). The motive to avoid success: Antecedents, correlates and arousal contexts: Some speculative results. Paper presented at the first Annual Spring conference of the Michigan Psychological Association.


O'Leary V. E. & Braun, J. S. (1974, September). Antecedents and personality correlates of careerism in women. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, New Orleans.


O'Leary, V. E. & Harrison, A. 0. (1975, September). Sex-role stereotypes as a function of race and sex. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, Chicago.


O'Leary, V. E. (1976, February). Androgyny: Are we creating a third stereotype? Feminist Research Conference: Association of Women in Psychology, Knoxville, TN.


O'Leary, V. E. & Donoghue, J. M. (1976, May). The effects of sex-typing of traits and role orientation on the perception of men. Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Meetings, Chicago.


Hansen, R. D., O'Leary, V. E., & Stonner, D. M. (1976, May). Causal attribution: What do perceivers want to know? Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Meetings, Chicago.


O'Leary, V. E. (1977, April). Sex as a stimulus variable. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Meetings, Boston.


O'Leary, V. E. (1977, May). The widow as female household head. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Merrill-Palmer Conference, Detroit.


Hansen, R. D. & O'Leary. V. E. (1977, May). Causal explanations for the behavior of ,Woman-omen and men: Two different schema? Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Meetings, Chicago.


O'Leary, V. E. (1977, August). Androgynous men: The best of both worlds? Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, San Francisco.


Hansen, R. D. & O'Leary, V. E. (1977, August). Sex-determined attributions: Women's dispositions versus men's environments. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, San Francisco.


O'Leary. V. E. (1978, March). Empirical and theoretical perspectives on the male role. Fifth Annual Feminist Research Conference, Association for Women in Psychology, Pittsburgh.


O' Leary, V. E. (1978, August). Barriers to professional advancement among female managers. Paper presented at the Ninth International Congress of Applied Psychology, Munich, Germany.


O'Leary, V. E. (1978, August). Women: Managers stuck in the middle? Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, Toronto.


O'Leary, V. E. (1979, March). The psychology of women and the future of psychology. Invited Address, Sixth Annual Feminist Research Conference of the Association of Women in Psychology, Dallas.


O'Leary, V. E. & Hansen, R. D. (1979, April). Sex-determined attributions: Differential perceptions of cause. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia.


O'Leary, V. E. (1979, July). Sex as an attributional fact. Paper presented at the 97th Interamerican Congress of Psychology. Lima, Peru.


Hansen, R. D. & O'Leary, V. E. (1980, April). Redefining stability and locus of control in achievement settings: Perceivers vs. theorists. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Eastern Psychological Association, Hartford.


Pearson, J. L., Hansen, R. D., & O'Leary, V. E. (1980, May). Sex-determined attributions and information use. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Midwestern Psychological Association, St. Louis.


O'Leary, V. E. (1980, September). The price of sex-role deviance: It costs men less. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, Montreal.


O'Leary, V. E. (1981, April). Economic discrimination: Beyond description. Paper presented at the Eastern Economic Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.


O'Leary, V. E. (1981, May). Sex-determined attributions. Invited Address at the annual meetings of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Detroit.


O'Leary, V. E. & Hansen, R. D. (1981, May). Trying hurts women, helps men. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Symposium on Applied Behavioral Sciences, Blacksburg, VA.


Hansen, R. D., & O'Leary, V. E. (1981, August). The effects of sex and gender on causal attributions. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, Los Angeles.


O'Leary, V. E. & Hansen, R. D. (1981, November). Performance evaluation. Paper presented at the Performance Conference, Dallas/Forth Worth.


O'Leary, V. E. (198?, May). Women and work. Public lecture presented at the Minnesota Psychology Week, Minneapolis.


O'Leary, V. E. (1983, March). Giving psychology away. Public lecture presented at the Eastern Sociological Association Annual Meeting.


O'Leary. V. E. (1983, August). Becoming less than the best by trying too hard. Division 8 Invited Address presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, Anaheim.


O'Leary. V. E. & Hansen, R. D. (1984, March). Sex as an attribution fact. Paper .presented at the Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Lincoln.


O'Leary. V. E. (1984, August). Psychology as public information. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, Toronto.


O'Leary. V. E. (1985, March). Myself as my own best subject: True confessions of a researcher. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Women in Psychology, New York.


O'Leary. V. E. (1986, March). Affect returns to social psychology. Invited Address at the annual meetings of the Association for Women in Psychology, Oakland, CA.


O'Leary, V. E. (1986, May). Women and work. Chatham College, Pittsburgh, PA.


O'Leary. V. E. (1986, May). One step forward, two steps back: The status of women in psychology. Invited address, Georgia Psychological Association, Savannah, GA.


O'Leary. V. E. (1986, August). The non-media psychologist and the media. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Association.


O'Leary. V. E. (1987, March). When reciprocity fails: Another look at queen bees. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Denver.


O'Leary. V. E. & Ickovics, J. R. (1987, April). Who wants a woman boss? Only those who have one. In V. E. O'Leary (Chair), Exposing more myths about women who work. Annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Arlington, VA.


O'Leary, V. E. (1987, July). When reciprocity fails: Another look at queen bees. Paper presented at the Third International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, Trinity College, Dublin, Republic of Ireland.


O'Leary, V. E. (1987, August). Exposing more myths about women who work. In M. Ott (Chair), Women and Work. Forty-fifth annual meeting of the International Council of Psychologists, New York.


O'Leary, V. E. (1987, August). Sex and gender in social context: Toward a feminist psychology. Division 35 Presidential Address, meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York City.


O'Leary, V. E. & Smith, D. (1988, March). Sex differences in causal attributions for emotions: Two different worlds? In V. E. O'Leary (Chair), That "Feminist Feeling": Perspectives on the study of emotions. Association for Women in Psychology, Bethesda, Maryland.


O'Leary, V. E. (1988, March). Psychology of women textbooks: A ten year retrospective. Invited paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Bethesda, Maryland.


O'Leary, V. E. (1988, August). The art of science. In J. E. Crawley (Chair), The science of practice; The practice of science. The American Psychology Association Convention, Atlanta, GA.


O'Leary, V. E. & Smith, D. (1988, August). Sex makes a difference: Attributions for emotional cause. In D. Smith (Chair), Two different worlds: Women, men and emotion. American Psychological Association Convention, Atlanta, GA.


O'Leary, V. E. (1988, August). Sex-determined attributions. In V. E. O'Leary (Chair), Women, gender and social psychology. XXIV International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia.


O'Leary, V. E. (1988, August). Sex differences in scientific productivity: A clash of values? In V. E. O'Leary (Chair), Women and work: Every job is a woman's job. American Psychological Association Convention, Atlanta, Georgia.


O'Leary, V. E. & Smith, D. R. (1989, March). Emotional conflict between women and men: Status or vulnerability. Association for Women in Psychology, Kingston, Rhode Island.


O'Leary, V. E. (1989, March). The dynamics of power in women's relationships. In S. Hite (Chair), Women's relationships with women. Association for Women in Psychology, Kingston, Rhode Island.


O'Leary, V. E. & Ickovics, J. R. (1989, August). Cracking the glass ceiling: Eliminating stereotyping and isolation of women in management. Preconvention workshop presented at the National Academy of Management annual convention, Washington, D.C.


O'Leary, V. E. & Ickovics, J. R. (1989, August). Women supporting women: Secretaries and their bosses. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans.


O'Leary V. E. (1989, September). Myth's about women working for women. Paper presented at the Women in Management Research Conference, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario.


O'Leary, V. E. (1990, May). When women work with women. In J. H. Daniel (Chair), Clinical issues for women who work. Women's Course, Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Boston.


O'Leary, V. E. (1990, June). Women working with women. In V. E. O'Leary (Chair), Laborforce Diversity: Toward the Year 2000. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Dallas.


O'Leary, V. E. (1990, July). Women's relationships with women in the workplace. In V. E. O'Leary (Chair), Women and work. Symposium presented at the 22nd ICAP meeting, Kyoto, Japan.


O'Leary, V. E. (1991, March). Laborforce diversity: The study design. In JR. Ickovics (Chair), Laborforce Diversity: 2000 and Beyond. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Hartford.


O'Leary, V. E., Montgomery, K.. Morgan, M. and Julian, A. G. (1991, May). The effects of sex, status and sex-typed behavior on the perception of bosses. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.


O'Leary, V. E., Julian A. G. and Morgan, M. (1991, June). Does boss sex make a difference? Poster presented at the 3rd annual convention of tile American Psychological Society. Washington, D.C.


O'Leary, V. E. (1991, August). Laborforce diversity: A prototype for the future. In J. R. Ickovics (Chair), Laborforce Diversity: Beyond 2000. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.


O'Leary, V. E. (1991, October). Women working for and with women. International Conference on Women in Management Learning. Lancaster University, Lancaster, U.K.


O'Leary, V. E. (1992, January). The resilient woman: Strength in the face of adversity. Paper presented at the Spring Foundation Conference, Palo Alto, California.


O'Leary, V. E., Ickovics, J. R. and Chang, M. 1. (1992, May). Expectations versus experience: Women's attitudes toward working for women. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.


O'Leary, V. E. & Jaffe, M. L. (June, 1992). Does mentor sex make a difference? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, San Diego.


O'Leary, V. E. (July, 1992). Affirming diversity. Poster presented at the XXV International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium.


O'Leary, V. E. & Ryan, M. (August, 1992). Toward understanding resilient women: A heuristic model. In E. Lyon (Chair), Resilient women: Strength in the face of adversity. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.


O'Leary, V. E., (November, 1992). The supportive value of boss and co-worker relationships. Paper presented at Stress in the 1990's: A changing workforce in a changing workplace. Washington, D.C.


O'Leary, V. E. (August, 1993). Cumulative disadvantages of women scientists. In V. Krischik (Chair). Issues on the recruitment and retention of women and minorities in science. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Institute of Biological Sciences, Ames, Iowa.


O' Leary, V. E. (March, 1995). Beyond resilience: Women who thrive. Invited address, Southeastern Psychological Association Meetings, Savannah.


O' Leary, V. E. (August, 1995). When you ask an empirical question and get an empirical answer you weren't prepared for. In C. Depner (Chair), Advancing the use of social research: Challenges and strategies. Symposium presented at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Association, New York.


O'Leary, V. E. (August, 1995). Strength in the face of adversity: Individual and social resilience. Division 9 Presidential Address presented at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Association, New York.


O'Leary, V. E. (August, 1995). The Hawthorne effect in reverse revisited. In V.E. Schein (Chair), The marginalized worker: Is everything old new again? Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York.


O'Leary, V. E. (April, 1996). Thriving in the face of adversity: A new model. Invited address, Annual Psi Chi Initiation Banquet, Georgia College, Milledgville, GA.


O'Leary, V. E. (May, 1996). Ulysses had his mentor, do you have yours`? Invited address, Women's Studies Brown Bag Series on Women and Work/Family, Auburn University.


O'Leary, V. E. (May, 1996). The social costs of replacing relationships with encounters in higher education. In B. A. Gutek (Chair), Paper presented at the 60th Anniversary Convention of the Society for Psychological Study of Social Issues, Ann Arbor.


O'Leary, V. E. (August, 1996). The social value of relationships at work. Paper presented as part of a panel discussion of relationships between service providers and recipients. International Society for the Study of Interpersonal Relationships, Banff, Alberta, Canada.


Grados, .1. J. & O'Leary, V. E. (May, 1997). Gender differences in strategic coping: Prevention of depression. Poster presented at the Society for Prevention Research Conference, Baltimore.


O' Leary, V. E. (May, 1997). How to thrive by finding positive meaning in life. Smithsonian Forum, Washington, D.C.


O' Leary, V. E. (May, 1998). Through Buddha's Eyes: Meaning and positive health outcomes in Nepal. In V. E. O'Leary (Chair), Meaning and Health: Creating Meaning for Challenge and Change. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, DC.


O'Leary, V. E. & Moon, C. (June, 1998). Women's resilience: A heuristic model. In V. E. O'Leary (Chair), Resilience As Thriving: A Heuristic Model and Its Application to Women. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Psychology Study of Social Issues, Ann Arbor, Michigan.


O'Leary, V. E. (June, 1998). Adaptation and thriving among women. Invited address, Estonian Women's Studies and Resource Centre, Tallinn Pedagogical University, Tallinn, Estonia.


Mozley, S., Simpson, C. R., and O'Leary, V. E. (1999, March). Developing a measure of situational meaning. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Savannah.


O'Leary, V. E. (August, 1999). Panelist in B. Gutek (Chair and Organizer), Work for women in the 21s' century? Panel Discussion at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston.


O' Leary, V. E. (August, 1999). Chair and Discussant. Resilience and thriving as responses to health challenge. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston.


Meyer, T. M., Hagglund, K. J. & O'Leary, V. E. (August, 1999). Coping and adjustment during acute rehabilitation for spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston.


O'Leary, V. E., Alday, C. S., Regmi, M. & Flanagan, E. H. (April, 2000). Thriving in response to adversity: A cross-cultural comparison. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Nashville.


O'Leary, V. E., Alday, C. S., Regmi, M. P. Flanagan, E. H., Binet, D., Loreto, S. M. & Pecor, M. (June, 2000). Social support and coping among thrivers in Nepal and the United States. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Society, Miami Beach.


Flanagan, E. H., O'Leary, V. E., Alday, C. S., Regmi, M. P., Binet, D., Loreto, S. & Pecor, M. (June, 2000). Cross-cultural differences in leveraging social support: U.S. versus Nepal. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Society, Miami Beach.


O' Leary, V.E. and Flanagan, E.H. (March, 2001). Mediators and moderators of the relationship between culture and self=construal in Nepal and the U.S. In M. Elliott (Chair), Paper Session VI, Paper presented at the East/West Conference on Health and Well Being, Kathmandu, Nepal.


Flanagan, E. H., & O'Leary, V.E. (June, 2001). Gender identity in students from Nepal and the US. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Toronto, Canada.


O'Leary, V., Bell, K., Campbell, S., Flanagan, E., Pecor, M., & Rich, K. (June, 2002). Trauma in two different worlds: The U.S. and Nepal. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, New Orleans.


O'Leary, V. E. & Flanagan, E.H. (July, 2002). Differences in thriving and available help among women in the United States and Nepal. Paper presented at the Eighth International Congress on Women. Entebbe, Uganda.


Flanagan, E.H. & O'Leary, V.E. (July, 2002). Depression in response to traumatic events among women in the U.S. and Nepal. Paper presented at the Eighth International Congress on Women, Entebbe, Uganda.


O'Leary, V.E., Bhaju, J., Bell, K., Chitooran, S., Coccia, B., Jackson, T., Riski, J. and Mahat, P. (June, 2003). Variations in reported symptoms of depression and anxiety: When does culture count? Poster presented at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta.


O'Leary, V.E., Bhaju, J. Subba, S., Borsage, A., Doggett, L., Gay, C., Gonzalez, C., Jackson, D., & Worley, R. (May, 2004). Behavioral manifestations of distress in the U.S. and Nepal. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Society, Chicago.




Board of Directors, American Psychological Society, 1989-91.


Executive Committee, Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology, 1991-1993; 1995.


APA Committee on Accreditation, 1992-1997 (representing the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology).


Midwestern Psychological Association Council, 1992-95; 1996.


President, Division 35 (Division of Psychology of Women) APA, 1986-1987.


President, Division 9 (Society for the Study of Social Issues, 1994-1995.


Director, East/West Conference on Health and Well Being, Kathmandu, Nepal, March 2001.


Associate Editor: American Psychologist, 1979-1985; Masculinities: Interdisciplinary Studies on Gentler, 1988-.


Editorial Board: Psychology of Women Quarterly, 1975-1980; Sex Roles, 1977-1979; Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 1979- ; Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1982- ; Women and work: Research, critical analysis, and implications for change, Sage, 1983-89; The Caribbean Journal of Social Psychology and Criminology, 1996- .


Paper Reviewer: Division 35, American Psychological Association, 1976, 1977, 1978; Division 8, American Psychological Association, 1979; Division 14, American Psychological Association, 1977; Division 9, American Psychological Association, 1979; Division 9, American Psychological Association, 1982; Co-Chair, Division 9 Program, American Psychological Association, 1981; American Psychological Society, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993.


Grant Reviews: National Science Foundation Student Originated Studies Program, 1974, 1975; National Science Foundation, Social and Developmental Psychology Program, 1978, 1979, 1982, 1986, 2000, 2001; Canada Council, Social Sciences Research Committee, 1979.


Grants: Oakland University Faculty Research Grant, $500, 1972-1973. NSF Grant No. 77-27187, $68,000, 1978-1980, Gender as an attributional fact (with R. D. Hansen); Boston University Faculty Seed Grant, $2,000, 1987-1988, Career outcomes and research productivity in men and women ecology graduate students (with R. B. Primack); The Spring Foundation, $5,000, 1990-91, Resilience in Women (with J. R. Ickovics); National Center for Management Research and Development, University of Western Ontario, $8,000, 1990; Laborforce Diversity: Hartford, Connecticut; A Prototype for the Year 2000 (with J. R. Ickovics); U.S. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau, $93,177, 1990-91, Laborforce Diversity: A Prototype for the Future (with J. R. Ickovics). Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, $5,000, 1995, SPSSI Workshop, Psychological Thriving: Shifting the Paradigm from Illness to Health (with J. R. Ickovics).


Consultant: Management Institute, American Broadcasting Company, National Foundation for the Prevention of Chemical Dependence Disease; Proctor and Gamble; IBIS Consulting Group; Gender Bias in the Courts, Commonwealth of Massachusetts; Department of Business and Management, University of Wisconsin Extension (Management training for women); U.S. Air Force Contract to Advanced Research Resources Organization (Development of a database to assess work group effectiveness in select career fields); Editorial Consultant: Brooks/Cole, Plenum, University of Michigan Press, John Hopkins University Press, Jossey-Bass, Psychology Today, Harvard University Press.


Colloquia and talks: Michigan State University; University of Michigan; Wayne State University; Ball State University; Ohio State University; University of Western Ontario; Chatham College, Minnesota Pro-Seminar; University of Maryland; University of Tennessee-Chattanooga; University of Delaware; Marymount College; American University; University of Maryland-Baltimore; Howard University; Uniformed-Services University of the Health Sciences; George Washington University; University of Nebraska; Worchester College; Chatham College; Johns Hopkins (Grand Rounds); Vanderbilt University; Skidmore College; Yale University; University of North Carolina, Greensboro; Wheaton College; Harvard University, Boston College University of Oslo, St. Mary-of-the­Woods; University of Surrey, UK; Purdue University, Tallinn Pedagogical University; Tuskegee VA; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, University of Auckland.


Conventions and meetings: APA, 1976 (Chair, women managers); National Academy of Management, 1976 (Chair, theoretical models of motivation); MPA, 1977 (Chair and organizer, sex and gender); AWP, 1978 (Chair and organizer, feminist research); APA, 1978 (Discussant, sex roles and careers); APA, 1979 (Discussant, work); APA, 1979 (Chair, women and social psychology); APA, 1979 (Discussant, blue-collar women); SPSSI, 1979 (Chair and Discussant, the rise of women in the 70's); SEPA, 1980 (Discussant, needed research on women); Maryland Psychological Association, 1981 (Convener, women as psychologists); APA, 1981 (Chair and organizer, differential perceptions of women and men); APA, 1984 (Discussant, media psychology); APA, 1986 (Conversation Hour, Eminent Women Psychologists); APA, 1988 (Chair and organizer, women and work); Chair and organizer, the science of practice/the practice of science).


University and Departmental Service: Executive Committee, Department of Psychology, 1970-71; 1971-72; 1972-73; 1973-74; Chairperson, Curriculum Committee, Department of Psychology, 1974-75; 1975-76; Chairperson, Social Search Committee, 1974; 1975; Member, Chairperson Search Committee, 1976-77; Faculty Senate, 1974-76, 1977; Executive Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 1972-74; 1975-77; Chairperson, Committee on Instruction, College of Arts and Sciences, 1975-76; Member, Faculty Retention and Promotion Committee, 1977-78; Chairperson, Women's Studies Concentration Curriculum Development Committee, 1977; Human Subjects Review Committee, 1985-86; Kass Lecture Advisory Committee, Harvard University; Dean's Subcommittee on Assessment, 1990-91; Graduate Program Development Committee, 1990-91; Faculty Women's Awards Committee, 1990-91; University Research Committee 1991-93; College of Arts and Sciences Academic Affairs Committee, 1991-93. College of Arts & Sciences, Strategic Planning Committee, 1993, Auburn University Senate, 2000-2005; Chair, Multicultural Diversity Commission, 2003-2005; Chair, Women's Studies Committee on Faculty Promotion and Retention, 2003-2005; President-elect, Auburn University Chapter, AAUP.


Board of Advisors: National Center for the Study of Corporal Punishment and Alternatives in Schools, 1978-80; Alice and Edith Hamilton Prize for Women's Studies, 1978-80; Institute for Mental Health Initiatives, 1985; U. S.-Soviet Conference on the Psychology of Women, with special reference to the ways in which this new field has or should have an effect on the nature of psychology in general, New York Academy Sciences, 1985-86; Advisory Board, Women's Center, University of Missouri, Kansas City; Research Advisory Committee, The Spring Foundation; President's Advisory Board, St. Mary-of-the-Woods College.


Selected Professional Service: Division 9 (SPSSI) Council, 1978-80;1981-83; Co-Editor Division 35 Newsletter, 1977-79; Membership Chair, Division 35, 1974-76; APA Council of Representatives from Division 35, 1976-77; Chair, Division 35 Journal Management Committee, 1979-80; Co-Editor, Division 35 Newsletter, 1979-80; Co-Chair, Division 9 Program, 1981; Division 8 Secretary-Treasurer, 1982; Chair, Division 35 Task Force on APA Restructuring, 1985-86; Member, APA Committee on Women in Psychology, 1987-88; Chair, APA Division Leadership Conference Steering Committee, 1987; Chair, SPSSI Committee on Media Relations, 1987-1988; ASAP Steering Committee, 1987-88; APS Board of Directors, 1989-91; APS Convention Manager, 1989; Acting Editor, APS Observer and Employment Bulletin, 1989-90; Accreditation Summit Steering Committee, 1992-93; APA Committee on Accreditation, 1992-97.


Teaching Experience: Introductory Psychology, Psychology of Adjustment; Abnormal Psychology; Theories of Personality; Social Psychology; Experimental Psychology, Research Methods and Design; Psychology of Women; Advanced Social Psychology; Human Sexuality; Organizational Behavior; Social Issues, Small Groups; Sex, Gender and Social Roles; Social Cognition; Self, Situations and Behavior; Prejudice, Sexism and Racism, Interpersonal Dynamics, Motivation, Social Bases of Behavior, Liking and Loving: Psychology of Intimacy, Cross-Cultural Social Psychology, Psychology and Culture.


