

I. Purpose: According to the epidemiologists, anxiety disorders are the most prevalent "mental disorders" in the U.S. It follows that in routine clinical practice you will be confronted by many clients with anxiety-related problems. My intent in this seminar is to provide a context in which you, as a group, can educate yourselves about the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of anxiety disorders. We also will discuss research ideas.

II. Readings: The reading assignments are journal articles and chapters taken from various sources. Assigned Readings (AR) are to be read by everyone. Presenter's Readings (PR) are to be studied and orally reviewed by one or more of the seminar participants but all are responsible for knowing the general thrust of the work.

III. Format: I hope we can be informal and flexible, that we can be focused and, at the same time, enjoy ourselves. In general, the first hour will be used to take and discuss a weekly quiz on the Assigned Readings (so come prepared to answer basic questions about the assigned material). The second and third hours will be used to continue discussing assigned material and/or to orally review/discuss Presenter's Readings. (Presenters are encouraged to supplement their reviews with additional sources.)

IV. Term Paper: A term paper will be due on at the beginning of class on Week #8. It should be about some fairly narrow topic. Ideally, the topic will be sufficiently narrow to permit comprehensive coverage in no more than 20 pages plus references. Use A.P.A. style throughout. Show some sensitivity to issues related to the quality of the methodologies that underlie empirical claims.

V. Exams: As noted there will be a quiz each week on the Assigned Readings.

VI. Grades: 50% of your grade will be based on your scores on the quizzes. 25% will come from the score on your term paper. 25% will come from my subjective impression of your willingness to do oral presentations and of the frequency and cogency of your oral contributions to the seminar process.

Weekly Activities: (Blanks indicate individually assigned presentations.)

Week #1: A meeting to hand out the syllabus, discuss the seminar concept, offer my rationales for doing the seminar the way I do it, and make various presentation assignments.

Week #2: The topic is anxiety phenomena and classification of anxiety disorders. The assignments are as follows: AR # 1 Barlow, D. H. (1988). Emotions and anxiety. In D. H. Barlow, Anxiety and Its Disorders (pps. 30-72), New York: Guilford. (McGlynn) A.R. # 2 Lipschitz, A. (1988). Diagnosis and classification of anxiety disorders. In C. Last & M. Hersen (Eds.) Handbook of Anxiety Disorders (pps. 41-65), New York, Pergamon. (McGlynn) P.R. #1 DiNardo, P. A. & Barlow, D. H. (1988). Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule-Revised. S. U. N. Y. - Albany, Center for Stress and Anxiety Disorders. ( )

Week #3: The topic is Systematic Desensitization. The assignments are as follows: A. R. # 3 Wolpe, J. (1962). The experimental foundations of some new psychotherapeutic methods. In A. J. Bachrach (Ed.) Experimental Foundations of Clinical Psychology (pps. 554-573), New York: Basic Books, (McGlynn)
A. R. #4 McGlynn, F. D., Mealiea, W. L., Jr., & Landau, D. L. (1981). The current status of systematic desensitization. Clinical Psychology Review, 1, 149-179. (McGlynn)

Week #4: The topic is exposure and cognitive approaches. The assignments are as follows. A. R. # 5: Thyer, B. A., Baum, M., & Reid, L. D. (1988). Exposure techniques in the reduction of fear: A comparative review of the procedure in animals and humans. Advances in Behaviour Research and Therapy, 10, 105-127. (_____________). A. R. #6: Clark, D. M., & Beck, A. T. (1988). Cognitive approaches. In C. G. Last and M. Hersen (Eds.). Handbook of Anxiety Disorders (pps. 362-385). (____________). P.R. #2: Barlow, D. H. (1988). The process of fear and anxiety reduction: Affective therapy. In D. H. Barlow, Anxiety and Its Disorders (pps. 285-318). (___________ and __________).

Week #5: The topic is specific (simple) phobia. The assignments are as follows. A. R. #7: McGlynn, F. D. (1994). Simple phobia. In M. Hersen & R. T. Ammerman (Eds.). Handbook of Prescriptive Treatment for Adults (pps. 179-196. New York: Plenum. (___________). A. R.#8: McGlynn, F. D. & McNeil, D. W. (1990). Simple phobia in adulthood. In M. Hersen & C. G. Last (Eds.), Handbook of Child and Adult Psychopathology: A longitudinal perspective (pps.197-208), New York: Pergamon. ( ___________ ). P. R. # 3: McGlynn, F. D. & Vopat, T. (1994). Simple phobia. In C. G. Last & M. Hersen (Eds.) Adult Behavior Therapy Casebook (pps. 139-151). New York: Plenum. (_________). P. R. #4: Ost, L. G. (1989). One-session treatment for specific phobias. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 27, 1-7.

Week #6: The topic is social phobia. The assignments are as follows. A. R.# 9: Barlow, D. H. (1988). Social phobia. In D. H. Barlow, Anxiety and it's Disorders: The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic (pps. 533-555). New York: Guilford. (__________). A. R. #10: Turner, S. M., Beidel, D. C. & Borden, J.W. (1991). Social phobia: Axis I and axis II correlates. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 100, 102-106. ( ). P. R.#5: Mattick, R. P. & Peters, L. (1988). Treatment of severe social phobia: Effects of guided exposure with and without cognitive restructuring. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56, 251-260. ( ) P. R. #6: Mattick, R. P., Peters, L., & Clarke, J. C. (1989). Exposure and cognitive restructuring for social phobia: A controlled study. Behavior Therapy, 20, 3-23. (______).

Week #7: The topic is panic disorder and agoraphobia. The assignments are as follows. A. R.#11: Michelson, L. & Marchione, K. (1991). Behavioral, cognitive, and pharmacological treatments of panic disorder with agoraphobia: Critique and synthesis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 100-114. (__________). A. R.#12: Rapee, R. M. & Barlow, D. H. (1989). Psychological treatment of unexpected panic attacks: Cognitive/behavioural components. In R. Baker (Ed.) Panic Disorder: Theory, research and therapy (pps. 239-259). New York: John Wiley, pps 239-259. (__________). P. R.# 7: Rapee, R. M., Craske, M., & Barlow, D. H. (1990). Subject-described features of panic attacks using self-monitoring. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 4, 171-181. ( ). P. R.#8: Rapee, R. M., Ancis, J. R., & Barlow, D. H. (1988). Emotional reactions to physiological sensations: Panic-disorder patients and non-clinical Ss. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 26, 265-269.
( ).

Week #8: The topic is generalized anxiety disorder. The assignments are as follows. A.R. #13: Barlow, D. H. (1988). Generalized anxiety disorder. In D. H. Barlow, Anxiety and Its Disorders (pps. 566-597), New York: Guilford. (_________). P. R.#9: Sanderson, W. C. & Barlow, D. H. (1990). A description of patients diagnosed with DSM-III-R Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 178, 588-591. (_______). P. R.# 10 McGlynn, F. D. (1977). Muscular relaxation training. In M. Hersen & A. S. Bellack (Eds.) Behavior Therapy in the Psychiatric Setting (pps. 265-270). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. (___________).

Week #9: The topic is obsessive-compulsive disorder. The assignments are as follows.
A. R.#14: Kozak, M. J., Foa, E. B., & McCarthy, P. R. (1988). Obsessive-compulsive disorder. In C. G. Last & M. Hersen (Eds.) Handbook of Anxiety Disorders, New York: Pergamon, pps 87-108. (__________).
P. R. #11: Foa, E. B., Steketee, G., Grayson, J. B., Turner, R. M., & Latimer, B. (1984). Deliberate exposure and blocking of obsessive-compulsive rituals: Immediate and long-term effects. Behavior Therapy, 15, 450-472.
( ____________). P. R.# 12: Pruitt, S. D., Miller, W. R., & Smith, J. E. (1989). Outpatient behavioral treatment of severe obsessive-compulsive disorder: Using para-profession resources. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 3, 179-186. (_____________).

Week #10: The topic is controversial issues in olde tyme vs. modern behavior-cognitive/behavior therapy. The assignments are as follows: A.R.#15: Wolpe, J. (1976). Behavior therapy and its malcontents.I. Denial of it's bases and psychodynamic fusionism. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 7, 1-5. (____________). A. R.#16: Wolpe, J. (1976). Behavior therapy and its malcontents. II. Multimodal eclecticism, cognitive exclusionism, and exposure empiricism. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 7, 109-116. (____________). A. R.#17: Wolpe, J. (1989). The derailment of behavior therapy: A tale of conceptual misdirection. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 20, 3-16. (McGlynn)

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