Creative Works

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Alabama Clean Water Partnership - Working Together 2005
Motivational Interviewing - Pfizer Pharmaceuticals (CD-ROM) 2004
Fat Daddy's Off Wire (WWW site) 2002-present
Water Smart - Think Watersheds and TMDLs 2002
Water Smart - TMDL Technical Overview 2002
Harrison School of Pharmacy (WWW site) 2001-present
Land Trust of East Alabama (WWW site) 2001-present
Auburn Hardware (WWW site) 2001

Pharmacotherapy Disease State Modules (secure WWW site) 2000-2002

Non-Traditional Doctor of Pharmacy (WWW site) 2000-2002

Pharmacy Care Systems (WWW site) 1998-2000

Alabama Water Watch (WWW site) 1998-2000

Auburn Answers - Interactive Health Information Kiosk 1998

Living Downstream - An Introduction to Alabama Water Watch 1998

Portrait of the People - Alabama Water Watch 1997

Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation 1996-1998

Christine Shumock - Storyteller 1996

Our Collective Conscience 1996

USP DI Electronic Medicine Chart (CD-ROM) 1995-present

Vital Care Nursing Inservice Series 1994-1995

Recycle Auburn - A Video Overview 1994

Innovative Computer Uses at AUSOP 1993

The Origins of Indian Civilization - World History Series 1993

Pharmacist's Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) 1992

AutoRx 1992

TechnoEcology 1991

The Scientific Revolution - World History Series 1991

Visually Interactive Drug Education Offerings (Interactive) 1990-1996

The Industrial Revolution - World History Series 1990

The Dream is Justice (A Portrait of Virginia Durr) 1990

Symphony in the Key of Life 1990

Change Management 1989

High-Tech Advantage 1989

Selma Housing 1988

About Your Diabetes (Interactive) 1988-1992

The Pharmacy Technician and Mrs. Jones 1988

Quikscan: The Future is Now 1987

From Reaction to Resolution 1987

Visualized USP DI (Interactive) 1987-1990

Animal/Man Communication 1986

Stu Dent’s Guide to the LRC 1986

We’re Going Places 1985

Acquaintance Rape 1985

Centennial Celebration (Multi-Media) 1985

From Potential to Performance 1985

Fear of House (Music Video) 1985

Health Care System of the Future (Multi-Image) 1984

Communication Needs for Hospital Pharmacists 1983

Serve and Protect (Music Video) 1983

Immunization Public Service Announcements 1983

Planning a Nursing Unit - Mayo Clinic 1983

A Team Approach to Nutritional Support - Huntsville Hospital 1982

Gunshot Residue 1982

Planning an Emergency Unit - Columbus Medical Center 1982

Basic Typewriting Skills 1981

 Creative works are video productions unless otherwise noted.