52nd Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems Conference
March 14-17, 2018, Auburn University
Travel reimbursement
The National Science Foundation provides limited financial support for participants. Applications from student speakers and student participants, early career researchers, and researchers without external support will be considered. Priority will be given to applications from students and underrepresented groups. To be considered for funding, complete the form at

Funding application form

To be reimbursed for your travel you must register as a vendor before arriving in Auburn

Auburn University's Registered Vendor Program

Non US payees
Permanent Residents (green card holders) are treated like US Citizens for tax purposes.

Documents such as an I20, copy of your I94 and copy of the picture page in your passport may be required and should be submitted via email.

If currently at a US institution, immigration rules require you to get a letter of permission from your institution's Office of International Programs DSO or PDSO giving you permission to come to the conference and be paid. Please request a letter from us if needed.