English Literature 1800-1900
Spring 2000
C. Keirstead

Requirements and Expectations
Each student will be expected to participate actively and constructively in a discussion of the required reading for each class period.  In addition, he or she will be expected to write an original scholarly essay on a subject of his or her choice (see details below) and to deliver a cogent, focused presentation on a subject related to the essay.  The oral presentation should be thought of as preparation for writing–an opportunity to begin researching and formulating an argument and to receive valuable feedback from other seminar participants.   For each discussion, the student must prepare a handout that includes 1) a brief synopsis or outline of the presentation; 2) a brief review of the book or article the student found most helpful in preparing the presentation; and 3) a selected bibliography.
 When giving the oral presentation everyone will be expected to keep in mind these guidelines:

 • To adhere faithfully to the time limit she or he has been given
 • To adhere to the subject that has been agreed upon, although the formation of the topic, organization, etc., will be entirely up to the individual
 • To assume that the others in the seminar have carefully and intelligently read related assignments and any additional material handed out in advance.

All class members should feel responsible for the quality and tenor of the class discussions related to these oral presentations.  Let us aim for a genuinely open sharing of ideas and opinions.  Presentation grades will be based on the following factors:   1) was the presentation focused and well-organized?  2) was the handout prepared according to the specifications noted above?  3) did the student respond to comments in a thoughtful and helpful manner? (20% of final grade)

Seminar paper: Due 30 May, a 20-to-30 page paper on a subject, in most cases, related to the oral presentation.  Shortly after the presentation, or whenever you feel that you have come up with a workable topic, arrange a meeting with me to discuss the paper; bring to the meeting a brief (1 page) abstract or outline of the paper.  (50%)

Final Exam: At the end of the quarter, students will complete a final take-home exam.  (30%)

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