
SCT stores all of its table translations in a single VSAM file, the DTFILE. Unfortunately, it is not well suited for easy translation access. However, SCT has provided a Cobol module which will do translations. The module is not directly accessible from Easytrieve and Easytrieve Plus programs. However, we have a module which will access the SCT module. Setup for doing this is not as straight forward as most of our Easytrieve Plus utilities.

The General Process

Before any translation can occur, the table must first be opened. Each data element in the SCT system that needs to be translated must be opened. In addition, the open process returns a pointer for the element opened. These pointers must be saved, as they are needed when the actual translation process occurs. In Easytrieve Plus, initialization is normally done in a START procedure.

The Translation
Data translations require several pieces of information:

All the necessary translation and work fields are contained in an Easytrieve Plus Include module called LIBIATR. Only the pointer values are not in this module.

When the program finishes, the tables must be closed. Fortunately, unlike the table open, this need be done only once rather than once per data element. In Easytrieve Plus, this is normally done in a FINISH procedure.

Easytrieve Plus

Programming examples can be given. However, the best way to show how these modules work is to give some working examples. These examples reside in the PCP40 PanValet library. An example of a program that only needs to translate values for a single data element is BO1302B. An example of a program which must do translations for more than one data element is BO1295A.


Certain JCL DD statements must be added for these translations to work. Specifically, the following must be in your JCL:


where xxx is the system number of the SCT system from which the translation is being done.

Other Considerations

OIT--Applications Support

Last Modified: Monday, 17-Jul-2000 15:15:58 CDT

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