SCT Application System Tape Installation

Compiles, Assemblies and Translates

Part of the installation process is to compile Cobol programs, assemble Assembly programs, pre-translate CICS copy books and move/rename certain copy members that have dual purposes. All of this can be done from the SPX SCT option, sub-menu DB2. It presents a panel that looks as follows:

-------------------  SCT/IA Compile/Assembly Options Menu  --------------------
--------------------------------  DB2 Systems  --------------------------------
Command ===>

 301 Batch Cobol     - Batch Cobol Compile
 303 Batch Subr Cbl  - Batch Cobol Subroutine Compile
 304 Batch DB2 Subr  - Batch DB2 Cobol Subroutine Compile
 305 Onl Main Cobol  - CICS Cobol Main Programs
 306 Online DB2 Main - CICS Cobol DB2 Main Programs
 307 Online Subr Cbl - CICS Cobol Subroutines
 308 Online DB2 Subr - CICS Cobol DB2 Subroutines
 309 Batch Assembly  - Batch Assembly for DB2 Systems
 310 Online Assembly - CICS Assembly for DB2 Systems
 312 Online Pre-Trn  - CICS Cobol Copy Pre-Translation
 313 Copy Rename     - CICS Cobol Copy Member Move and Rename
 314 Batch DB2 Asm   - Batch DB2 Assembly

-- Press END to Exit --


For non-DB2 systems (LMS and ZSS), use the 1A submenu.

The SCT Installation Guide indicates several jobs to perform these tasks. These jobs are important because they list the members which must be handled. But since we are in a Panvalet environment, the SCT JCL will not perform the needed tasks on the Panvalet members. This panel is used to perform those functions.

SCT stores members to be handled by the above in its INSTALL library. Member names are consistent, in the folowing format:


This is the system indicator, as follows:

System Indicator
ZS ZSS Application
WS Z-Writer Subapplication
SI SIS Application
SH SIS Student Housing Subapplication
FR FRS Application
HR HRS Application
BI HRS Tax Subapplication
Indicates the intended environment:

B Batch Environment
C CICS Environment
Indicates the language:

ASM Assembly Program
COB Cobol Program
DB2 DB2 Cobol Program
This is a two character indicator showing the type of process. The first character shows the type of process. The second character (if present) is used to uniquely identify members so processing can be logically grouped by subsystem. The first character is:

C CICS Pre-Translate
P Main Program Processing
S Subroutine Program Processing
x Main Program Processing (x is a number)

SCT is fairly consistent with this scheme. However, in SIS, there are some SICCOBSX routines which are, in reality, main programs. Only the SICCOBS routine contains online subroutines. Also in SIS, main batch programs, instead of starting with SIBCOBP actually start with SIBDB2P.


Batch assemblies should normally use the 309 option on the SCT menu. However, a few systems also have DB2 batch assembly programs. These should use the 314 option. CICS assemblies should always use the 310 process.

Cobol Compiles

There are several different Cobol options available. This will only address those related to DB2 systems. There are seven different Cobol options.

Cobol Compile Options
Process Option Description
xxBCOBPx 301 Batch Cobol Main Programs
xxBCOBx 301 Batch Cobol Main Programs
xxBDB2Px 301 Batch Cobol Main Programs
xxBDB2x 301 Batch Cobol Main Programs
xxBCOBSx 303 Batch Cobol Subroutines
xxBDB2Sx 304 Batch Cobol DB2 Subroutines
xxCCOBPx 305 CICS Cobol Main Programs
xxCDB2Px 306 CICS Cobol DB2 Main Programs
xxCCOBSx 307 CICS Cobol Subroutines
xxCDB2Sx 308 CICS Cobol DB2 Subroutines

Be sure to observe the exceptions as noted above.

CICS Pre-Translations

There are two routines for this. Both come from the xxCCOBC member in the SCT INSTALL library. Those members handled by execution of the xxHEITC proc should be handled using the 312 option on the SCT/DB2 menu under SPX. Those copy members handled through the IEBCOPY proc should use the option.

OIT--Applications Support

Last Modified: Monday, 17-Jul-2000 15:20:09 CDT

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