
Welcome to our homepage. We are glad that you have chosen to visit us. If you have just stumbled across us, that's great too. Glad to have you on board.

This page is designed to let you know everything about our dynamic research program and the wonderful opportunities afforded to graduate students here in the Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy program at Auburn University.


We have four full-time tenure track professors within the research group. Full details of their contact, teaching responsibilities, research interests and contact details are available from their individual web pages.

Dr. Peter Hastie (Professor)
Dr. Alice Buchanan (Associate Professor & Program Coordinator)
Dr. Sheri Brock (Associate Professor & Alternative Masters Coordinator)
Dr. Jared Russell (Associate Professor, GTA Coordinator, & Graduate Program Officer)

Our Goal

The goal of our group is three fold:

  1. To produce doctoral graduates who have excellent teaching skills, outstanding research skills and experience, and achievements in publication.
  2. To promote quality research in physical education through the modeling of good practice.
  3. To work as a collaborative of faculty and students to provide the most rewarding learning experience for both groups.

Research Opportunities for Students
We work hard to involve all students. Students within our program have significant opportunities to conduct research in a number of settings.

1. First, we have excellent access to schools, as three of our GTA positions are school-based.
2. Second, our faculty are active in school and other physical activity settings and are continuously conducting instruction/research at these sites.
3. Third, students have access to significant funding opportunities through College and Graduate School support. These include, to name a few:
.... Graduate school, college and school level student travel support
.... Dissertation research funding from the graduate school and kinesiology
.... Graduate student research symposia
.... Outstanding access to library resources, and a designated resource librarian

Contact Us
You can call us 334-844-1469, email any of the faculty (see their web pages)or write to us at

Physical Education Research Lab 
c/- Dr. P. Hastie
301 Wire Road
Auburn University, AL
Department of Kinesiology

** You can also check full details about graduate study in the School Of Kinesiology through this link. http://www.education.auburn.edu/academic_departments/kine/graduatestudents/index.html

About Auburn's Graduate School

Following the link to the graduate school website for information about admissions and other important questions:



Last Updated: September 9, 2013

Auburn University | Auburn, Alabama 36849 | (334) 844-1469 | hastipe@auburn.edu
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