Day 15


Halite NaCl Isometric
Fluorite CaF2 Isometric
Sylvite KCl Isometric

Halides are characterized by the presence of a halogen atom; both the large cations and ions behave as spherical bodies, and the packing leads to structures of highest symmetry. Bonding in the halides is strongly ionic.


Gypsum CaSO4-2H2O Monoclinic
Anhydrite CaSO4 Orthorhombic
Celestite SrSO4 Barite
Barite BaSO4 Orthorhombic

(SO4)2- complexes are the basis of the minerals.


Apatite Ca5PO43(F,Cl,OH) Hexagonal
Monazite (Ce,La,Y,Th)PO4 Monoclinic

(PO4)3- complexes are the basis of the minerals


Aragonite CaCO3 Orthorhombic
Calcite CaCO3 Hexagonal
Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 Hexagonal
Ankerite CaFe(CO3)2 Hexagonal
Magnesite MgCO3 Hexagonal
Siderite FeCO3 Hexagonal
Rhodochrosite MnCO3 Hexagonal

Carbonates have a (CO3)2- complex in the structure; radius ratio relations predict one carbon surrounded by three oxygen in a ring with a residual charge of -2/3 on each oxygen, and a bond of 1 1/3 between each oxygen and the carbon. In the presence of hydrogen, the (CO3)2- group breaks down to form H2O + CO2.

The radius ratio of Ca:O is sufficiently close for there to be two CN for Ca: 6-fold coordination occurs for calcite and 9-fold for aragonite. Calcite is hexagonal, and aragonite is orthorhombic. The oxygen coordinated to Ca are in the CO3 rings, which for calcite and aragonite are in layer perpendicular to c; in Calcite the rings all point the same way, and in aragonite they point in opposite directions from layer to layer.

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