This page shows the construction of
a BBQ coffee roaster

The first picture shows the stove pipe caps that will be used to make the ends of the cage.  Square holes have been cut in the centers of the pieces to let the spit slide through them.  I will have to come up with something beside the prongs to hold the cage on the spit during roasting.

The next picture shows the roll of perforated brass sheet as it arrived from McMaster-Carr.   They were most generous.  I ordered and paid for a 24" by 12" sheet but I got a 24" by 35" sheet.  So I have plenty of material to make at least two roasting cages for the BBQ.  The sheet is shown rolled as it arrived.  The floor planks are six inches wide and 161 years old.

The next image shows how I trimmed the caps.  As seen on the right, I used the abrasive cutter to make a starting hole for the air nibbler, and on the left you can see the cut the nibbler is making in the other cap.

The next picture shows the trimmed caps.

This picture shows how I measured the perforated brass sheet to mark it for cutting.  You have to look for it but there is a black vertical mark to the left that shows where I cut the sheet with the nibbler.

After the sheet was cut, I loosely fitted the caps and the cut perforated sheet together for the last picture of the day.


The next picture shows the unit, held by Tori, my three year old granddaughter,  assembled, and ready to go in the grill.  Soon after this picture was taken, I started a fire, put some green beans in it and put it on the grill, turned on the motor - no rotation no nothing, dead motor! Took it off, moved the beans to one of the Androck popcorn poppers, and roasted in the old way.  Now looking for another motor.

To be continued.

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