Problem-Solving with the Point-and-Click Interface in Maple 10

Speaker: Robert J Lopez  (Professor Emeritus, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology)

Participants in this hands-on short course will learn how to use Maple
10's new point-and-click interface to solve problems in algebra,
calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations. A supplement to
the "old" syntax mode of using Maple, the new interface permits
significant mathematics to be implemented in a syntax-free environment
where a number of ease-of-use features coalesce to a new paradigm for
bringing a computer algebra system into the classroom.

As participants gain familiarity with Maple 10's new interface,
questions about pedagogy that arise will be addressed. Dr. Lopez spent
his last 15 years at RHIT implementing Maple in the classroom, and has
spent the first two years of his retirement with Maplesoft, guiding the
development of some of the ease-of-use features. By asking the right
questions, participants will obtain full access to his experience with
Maple in the educational environment.