Wayne T. Smith

Distinguished Professor

Department of Kinesiology

1459 Haley Center
(334) 844-1465


Ph.D: Pennsylvania State University (1983)
Dissertation: Programming time as a function of number of connected movement parts and changes in movement direction.  Directed by Robert W. Christina.

MS: Madison College (now James Madison University; 1976)

Thesis: Transfer of training applied to the breaststroke.  Directed by Rose Mary Rummel.


B.S.Ed: The City University of New York (CCNY; 1971)

Undergraduate Classes:

Graduate Classes:

Research Interests:

Recent Publications:

Professional Organizations:


Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport:

On September 1, 2009, I began a 3-year term as Editor-in-Chief of the Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (RQES). The RQES, now in its 81st year, is the oldest research journal in the fields of kinesiology and physical education. Serving as editor-in-chief will be an exciting challenge for me, and I look forward to following a long line of productive scholars who have guided the journal. I encourage you to submit your best research to RQES through ScholarOne at



For additional information