Radical Simplify
for TI-83

Infinity Software Main Page
Radical Simplify is a TI-83 application used to simplify square roots. It works like the new TI-89, displaying answers in "pretty print." For example, using the regular TI-83 square root operator to take the square root of 45, the screen might look like this:
The decimal answer is rarely useful is calculations, so Radsimp comes in handy. Running the free prgmSQREROOT (part of Radsimp), and taking the square root of 45, the answer is more useful:


Please note that Radsimp is free and may be freely distributed, but is the original work of Gerrit DeWitt. You agree not to edit it or change its form by downloading the file(s).

Select the appropriate file to download:

Radsimp for TI-83
encoded as a UU encode file suitable for Mac OS and Windows 9x
Radsimp for TI-83
compressed as a Stuffit Self Extracting Archive for Mac OS



page by Gerrit DeWitt, 1999