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The Process  
  1. In order to complete this task you will be assigned to groups of three in which each of you will play a specific role in gathering information.
  2. You will all work together as biologists to decide on the types and number of fish to put in your tank and then decide among yourselves who will assume each specialist role.
  3. Specialist Roles

    In order to provide a well thought out and livable habitat for your new pets you will need a:
  • Nutritionist - to determine the food needs of the fish and provide feeding suggestions for each animal.
  • Water Chemist - to work with the biologist and waste remediation specialist to provide an appropriate watery environment for the fish.
  1. Once the three of you have determined what animals will be housed in your aquarium, each person will assume one of the specialist roles and complete the assigned tasks. Remember to actively communicate with one another while completing your tasks as there may be some information that needs to be shared.
  2. Be sure that you keep notes as you conduct your research so that you can report to the other scientists and justify your decisions. Use the worksheets provided for each specialist on the Resources page.


Biologist Activities (Group)

  1. Brainstorm and come up with a list of at least five potential issues that will be determining factors in which fish you choose (use the worksheet on the Resources page). An example issue: Will it fit in the tank when full grown?

    Use the links below determine an appropriate mix of fish to live in your aquarium. In any aquatic environment there are fish that live near the surface, some on the bottom and some that roam freely.  Choose at least one species that inhabits each of these areas.
  2. Once you have decided on a group of compatible fish each member of the group will assume one of the specialist roles.

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