Auburn University Doctoral Programs in Psychology: Administrative Website

Thane Bryant, Graduate Coordinator
Department of Psychology
226 Thach Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5214
Phone: 334-844-6471

Rules and Regulations for Doctoral Programs in Psychology

Plan of Study Directions details the steps students take to file a Master's or Doctoral Plan of Study.

MS Guidelines details the steps students take to complete the thesis, from initial committee formation to documenting the successful defense.

MS Calendar/Deadlines shows the deadlines for accomplishing each step in order to graduate a particular quarter.

General Doctoral Exam Policy (Major Area Paper, Prelims) is the full text of the current General Doctoral Exam policy, approved by the faculty in June 2000.

Dissertation Guidelines details the steps students take to complete the dissertation, from initial committee formation to documenting the successful defense.

Dissertation Calendar/Deadlines shows the deadlines for accomplishing each step in order to graduate a particular quarter.